Friday, August 31, 2007

This dress makes my boobs look small. Psych.

Jared, myself and my brother.. or.. Two Giants and a Midget.. Or, my boyfriend dumped me for my brother and this is the last picture. Haha. No really, they see each other more.
AND.. Myself, Jared and Holly. Or.. no, I won't go there... ha ha.. er... ha.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Cabin One

The Girls of Cabin One.
*hahaha.. just to clarify, these are the girls when I was camping this weekend, NOT treeplanting. (there definately WEREN'T any cabins out there.)

Lost. Haha.

I was just wondering around campus for the past 20 minutes trying to find my way back home. And this is my third year here. Our Residence is at the west end of the college on 110th St. The whole school runs East to West with major thouroughfares through the middle. But the library, the central point, is under some construction, and I get so lost and turned around.. So this morning, I noted the smell of popcorn, and decided that that's the way I would know if I was going in the right direction... Oh god. There were two popcorn stands, at different points in the school. I seriously walked through the library 5 times before I finally flipped out and pretended I was a new student and needed help. And a big bag of popcorn.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Conversation #2

Andrea- You really don't have to be here while I clean up my messy room. Even if I am lonely.
Jared - Keeping you from being lonely is half of why I'm here.
Andrea- Whats the other half?
Jared - So I'm not lonely.
Andrea - (silence)
Andrea - Can you take out the trash?
Jared - Yeah. I'll be right back.

Mission Hill Vineyard

On an afternoon off, we visited the Mission Hill Winery in Westbank...
1. Me, looking dreamily off into the distance, thinking about all the wine I want to buy..
2. My perfect partner.
3. Hollie and I in the vines.. it kinda looks like a wedding photo..
4. "What are the boys doing.."..... "Oh no, one is taking a picture!"
5. They're looking at the piano that's signed by Bono, Elton John and other.. ahem "greats".. I'm posing under the 1.25 million dollarish Marc Chagall painting that hangs unframed in their tasting gallery..

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Conversation that Just Happened

Andrea- Shit, don't step on all my stuff.
Jared - Then where else am I going to step?
Andrea - (silence, looks at her room that still isn't unpacked, and you can't see the floor for all the clothes.)
Andrea - (silence)
Andrea - Well, at least take your shoes off.
Jared - Eew.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to camping

Going out of the city for a little while, camping for the next 2 days. Could be worse.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ok, better. I went and painted mugs with Jared for our social event tonight, then did a little retail therapy with Ian. Which may have also involved a little chocolate covered banana therapy.. Came home and joined half our crew at the bar for drinks and a laugh. Yeah.. Better.

(Jared would like to point out that he is NOT three.. he just doesn't have very strong mug painting skills. I'll post pictures after they're glazed and fired.)

Beer. It Helps. Even when it's in cheese.

Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without J. He basically kept me from crying all day yesterday with these stupid facebook messages and funny faces from across the room. Then he held me down and tickled my feet, dressed me up like a hood rat and marched me to the liquor store, bought me beer, made me nachos with Amber Ale Cheddar, let me win at Mario Cart and let me cry like a baby at 300. And then let me wake him up at 4 in the morning when my nightmares were so bad that I had to turn on all the lights in the house and hide in his armpit. And then told me he was awake anyways.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Painfully Addicted

I don't want to say how long I watched this for..
Just a few more seconds..
One more set..
Well.. Maybe another..

Black Out

Well the power is out, Jared is out with Efa, my battery on my computer is almost out.. and I'm so exhausted that I think it would suffice to say that I'm almost out.

For some reason, that sadness is creeping again. Perhaps explaining my pathetic lack of a)blogging b)personal hygiene and c) caring about a and b. *chuckle* I always feel like.. you know when a pie starts to get dry and the filling starts to shrink and peel away from the crust? *laugh* That's kinda what I feel like. Poor Jared is left trying to prop me up and cheer me up as much as he can while I flop around pretending to be a parapalegic and refusing to get into the shower. *sigh* Poor guy.

First day of training for the new RA's today. I really need to work on not being so damn judgemental right off the bat. I always leave room for my impressions to change, I give people many many (tooooo many) chances.. But I swear. These kids.. they are just kids.. Well, lets just say I had to go "Putt and Glo" neon golf tonight.

Which is pretty much where I found out exactly how dirty my hair was. Whoops.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Fake Bits

So I went out with Holly today and got my nails done. You know, those pretty yet pretentious fake acrylic nails, nice white tips - very wasp, very... bitchy. The girl, lets call her.. oh, Thao, told me I had rough man hands. Uh huh. But at the end, I had "feminine woman hands". It actually feels like I have a split personality starting at my wrists. I'm afraid that I'm going to start taking Valium, drinking at noon and eating little cucumber sandwhiches with these hands, and I won't be able to do a god-damn thing about it. Yup, call me Kitty. Or at least my hands.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Why Does Wes Anderson Have To Be So GOOD.

The Darjeeling Limited

Do Not Do Drugs

..or at least not when you watch this.

Some Planting Pics

A really tough block.. I think I MAY be crying in that picture..
My friend Seb and I on the last day, after we planted our last rookie trees together.. and then proceeded to drink almost an entire bottle of Southern Comfort...
I could fit in tree boxes. People find this hilarious.
Drinking beer after a particularily hard day.. where I might have mentally quit 12-30 times.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I've just bought a bookshelf to put in my room so I don't have a leaning tower of Poe stacked on my desk anymore. Yes. More shit to add to the shit that I have in my room. J gets in tomorrow night, which means that I have until Saturday morning to both lose 10 lbs and get my house in order. So, I've left my dissasembled bookshelf in the hall and picked up the computer to escape. Ish.

I've been thinking the past few days of my choices of summer work - they've gotten progressively harder and more demanding, and slowly my off-summer work has started to do the same. And honestly, I've been contemplating the idea of pennace.

After years of dealing with depression (that I didn't know I was dealing with and didn't know was depression), leaving a boyfriend and a home and a cat, running away to India, I returned stable enough to work on my own, and took a job in the oilfield.

After I cheated on Bryan, the months that followed were sheer agony. I developed ulcers, lost copious ammounts of weight, slept all the time, cried at the drop of a hat, mentally self-flaggellated with texts on virtue etc etc. And took up tree planting this summer.

I find even in smaller circumstances, it's the harder tasks I'll take on after perceived moral lapses - as small as forgetting to pay for a coffee results in inadvertantly long workouts - ridiculous things. I thought about it tree planting.

Heaven forbid I ever kill somebody. I might get in shape and start working in a mine or something.

Just something I've been thinking about.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Go Figure.

Had a terrible nights sleep in my own bed last night. I was too comfortable and it was too loud. TOO comfortable.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Summer in Retrograde - Belated Post #1 - The Mercenaries.

They arrived, somewhat like marauding Huns, in the middle of the night. We woke surrounded by them - a new encampment of ancient mini vans and VW campers circled us, gear stacked at the ready. They arrived to breakfast with matching mohawks, smelling of whiskey and incense and weed, with narrow eyed and smiling - mercenaries in our tree war.
As far as my experiences with war go, it would be remiss to imply that I have any. Yes in those trucks in the morning the air of some sort of battle, mostly mental, is there. The clattering of gear being tossed into trucks, shovels and water bottles smashing together, tree boxes heaved and handed planter to planter out of the reefer, into the mist , all make your ears cringe at first, the first day, the first shift. Rookies are loaded overdressed and scared into the trucks with the same lack of ceremony as the tree boxes, they too making nervous noises that will grate for the first while. Those beside you rip duct tape in small screaming strips, the smell of sulfuric tape mixes with black coffee and rank boots as rookies are shown with as much patience how to tape their fingers; given brief invaluable tips that they invariably forget and figure out themselves mid-season, only briefly remembering somebody may have already told them and yet congratulating themselves on what they've discovered. Weary vets who know the drill bullshit over old seasons and smile knowingly at the too nice gear and clean rookies that are ramrod straight in beside them, while they curl to doorjambs and each other in an attempt to nap on the drive.
The noise is played in reverse as the trucks rumble to a stop on the dirt roads- gear, shovels and water bottles are wrenched rapidly from the back, the continuous thud of tree boxes being unloaded hand to hand and thrown to the ground plays in the background. Boots are pulled on, hands given a final lash of tape, rotting gloves pulled on top of that. Slowly, loaded with trees, dull and monochromatic with dirt, each is dispatched to pieces, shovels customized like guns - each glinting and flashing like muzzles. Once, sure and swift followed by a flash of green and a kick by the vets, once, twice, three times, slow and inaccurate by the rookies.
They didn't arrive unbidden. Painfully we've moved from block to block, tallies small and amounting to less everyday than we'd hoped. Encouragement, duct tape, coffee - all three are gone to be replaced by silence, callouses and whiskey. Zanzibar, rumour has it, has finished for the season, millions in, and dispersed. Rumours of possible friends, 6 planters, give momentary hope, lighter bags, faster steps. They're coming.
Everything has assumed a pace, unbidden, unwanted and inevitable. Plodding evenings with the same colours on your plate, nutrition lacking diversification from the shift before. Wagers are put on one of 6 choices - chicken, beef, pork, pasta, Indian or Mexican. Both ethnicity's are promptly removed after a day of low production yet high output. Bed. Wake. Cold. Peel the clothes from the bottom of your sleeping bag where they've garnered some warmth from your fermenting feet and squirm on dirty layer after layer. Breakfast. Truck. Plant. Repeat.
They're obviously unwell, to help us. Burnt out and propelled by what one of them has brewed in the back of their van, they move - tanned and leathery, through us. 10. 7. 8 year vets. Without effort, hung over, they plant 35000 trees in a day, sweating pepperminty gasoline whiskey around the campfire. They eat less, sleep less, drink more, smoke more, and plant more than any of us have seen. They are the only planters that pull their gear at the end of the day, resting it beside their vans, like sleeping with their favorite guns.
Then they leave. Grass matted where they were, whiskey bottles leaned against trees. Breakfast, truck, plant. Repeat.

Road Trip(ping)

It's about 30 degrees outside the car, and damn well nearing 40 inside. I'm in the back in flood pants, a bathing suit top and a tiara plowing through "To Kill a Mockingbird" and attempting to ameliorate my feelings towards the current heat with those that Scout must have in the deep south in the summer. As of right now, the cracks between my toes are swelling and the pages of my book are buckling under the sweat of my fingers, and neither are helping to lend sympathy to Ms. Finch.
Everything in here smells slightly of sunscreen and licorice and skunk, with nectarines every once in a while when the smushed escapee gets nudged under the seat in an attempt to redirect the sweat thats pooling in the back of my knees.
Each place that we've passed through have a prevalence of one type of a shop or another - Prince George has a number of pawn shops and thrift stores, Fort St. James had pizza and hardware shops, Quesnel ice cream and tattoo parlours.. poor Williams Lake and its abundance of corn bread women just had an over abundance of lingerie stores. So far, the highways have offered up nothing of interest, just mile after mile of incredibly depressing landscape in the hue of dead, dry and dying - and the occasional ominous cherry stand.
Inside however, crammed among backpacks, shovels, old books, new books, dirth/clean and every state in between, our three aching bodies are trading massages for um fillled screamers, magazines for books and brief naps for time in the drivers seat. The impossibilty of driving down the middle of BC in a non air-con Subaru from the 80s without being parboiled.. is dawning on all of us.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


After an evening of Sodom and Gamorrah in the Woods (which sounds like a delightful play), we are officially done. Done the planting, the year ender, the sun burn, the bug bites, the 5:30 mornings, the 11pm evenings, the stress, the trees, the shitter digging the beer drinking the the... everything. It's finished. We (being Matt Hollie and I) packed the Subaru to the gills, said our good byes, and left.
In such an environment, you're thrown into sheer and utter exhaustion with people that you don't know, and forced.. encouraged... find it necessary.. to make friends. And all the masks and niceties and whatnot.. you just don't have the energy for. So you discard them, and what's really left, is you. And only you. Which means that while you make friends, better friends, stronger friends, faster - the people you hate on day two, you really hate on day 78.
But it's done. It's made me stronger, smarter, made me work harder, drink harder, laugh harder, cry harder.. than anything I've done in my life. And baring that, it made me a fair chunk of change and gave me a suntan.
We're headed to Kelowna, should be there by this evening. Miss you all.