Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Ah. Progress.

So I was out all day yesterday, doing all my running around, and apparently I've blown a brain gasket, because I'm completely incapable of functioning today. I don't know whats wrong with me - I can't get up, I can't eat.. I feel like I'm slipping so quickly back to where I used to be. And I feel like I can't stop the slide. I feel like I'm standing in front of this huge boulder rolling towards me, hoping that I can will it to stop. What am I supposed to do?
I was driving down Jasper Ave. yesterday - near the bottom they're building a huge new lux apartment complex, in Oliver. It's right across from the Synagogue. Slowly, everytime I go by, it gets a little bit taller. The synagogue faces south, and the apartment building faces it, going north. Now that the apartment is tall enough, it casts this huge shadow on the synagogue.. and no more sun can shine through the stained glass windows. It made my stomach hurt to see it.
Some humour for the morning - PETA has a billboard erected in our red meat city saying Santa isn't coming because he drinks milk and it makes him fat and lazy and impotent etc etc.. So the Bear, our local shock rock radio station.. Is having their own protest tomorrow.. and having a barbeque right underneath it. Priceless.
Going to try and get organized for my trip to my grandmothers after I end work.. It's really only 9 days away, if they'll let me work them, considering I haven't exactly been a great employee lately. Maybe I'll be so lucky that they'll just tell me to stay home. *sigh* Excellent. A girl can dream right? After that.. I have to start seriously thinking about packing etc etc. God.. No wonder I'm incapable of functioning lately.
Will try to write on a happier note later. Maybe e flat.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Rolling Plow Pose Wins Again!

What a fabulous Sunday! Spent the morning watching Manhattan and eating French toast, and generally just lazing about. Spoke with my Mummy a little, decided when I was going to leave to move there.. The official non-official date is January 15th, so beware the 16th marks the beginning of 2 weeks minimun pining and weeping.
We went out this afternoon solely to pick up groceries for dinner, and to go cheese shopping. I figured I would be at least 45 with a drinking problem before I started shopping specifically for cheese. Low and behold I'm 20, with a non-cheesey mild addiction to white chocolate martinis. Which do not, may I add, go particularily well with cranberry stilton. Surprisingly.
Mr. Almost Poshlust, our very lovely downstairs neighbor Amanda and I just returned from yoga, I made Mr. A. Poshlust promise a week ago that he would go with me, and Amanda decided to come as well, which was great. It was a great class, very different than previous. Our instructor is ex-militia (is there some kind of rule? They have to become babaji gurus or closet alcoholics?) and was.. militant. In a funny way. Plus.. not so posh.. he fart in the middle of the class. Which in a northside kinda way.. really made me warm up to him. I could tell Mr. Almost Poshlust didn't think it was too much of a workout; until we got to rolling plow pose. Take that floor hockey, you've lost another man to Yoga! Ah hah!
I've got to help make dinner, I'm starving. I hope everyone had a lovely Sunday, I have Monday off, so hopefully I'll see you all soon. Ciao!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Art Booth

The initial photos we went out to take this evening - We snuck into the mall, and even asked for change from vendors, which a sign explicitly forbid, and got these awesome pictures of three of my paintings. I think I'd like a photobooth for Christmas..

Booth Love

Mr. Almost Poshlust and I went to take some photobooth pictures tonight of my art.. (I don't know, if in history, a person has deliberately left their home to find a photobooth with pictures in mind) But these are the pictures we took after, and I love them. I don't think 3 pictures could better represent two people if they tried.

Spirit.. With a Capital 'S'

Mr. Almost Poshlust and I are in the Christmas Spirit. (yes, I believe it warrants a capital S.) We went out today, despite dire warnings from our sensibility meters and the non-capitalists, to buy Christmas lights and Christmas Cards and such. I guess being grumpy and claustrophobic in a crowd of 30 people all vying for the "utility" turkeys on sale at Superstore is somewhat akin to Christmas Spirit. *smile*
It's now that we're home, that we're truly in the Spirit. Harry Connick Jr. is crooning "O Holy Night" and we've just strung our first string of Christmas lights. The first string we've strung together actually - I was away last Christmas in India.. So this is technically our first Christmas together, in our home. It's been fabulous, running around, getting in the spirit. I found a recipe for German gingerbread cookies, ( it's actually Karl Lagerfeld's recipe.. cool hey? ) and I'm going to be making them later for friends and family. Not later tonight, of course.. later this month.. I mean.. December. Ok, if I get my Christmas cards out this year, that'll make two years in a row, and I don't know if anyone in our family can beat that. Screw cookies.
I went out for coffee with Camote today.. I wish I saw him more often. He's so amazing - he's got such hope and vitality behind his eyes, this beautiful smile just radiates from them. I can feel it just sitting across from him. He's got this aura about him (gosh I hate that word, it's so.. new agey) that makes you feel safe, and loved; and you can sense his intelligence with every word. I know this sounds lame.. What I'm trying to say.. He makes me feel alive. He makes me feel the possiblities of life, my life. Everytime I leave him I feel more creative, more in tune with my insides. He's so.. good. I don't know what I'd do without him as a friend. I think we all need friends like that.
Busy day today. Other than getting in the "Spirit", we were also being pure capitalist consumers.. and looking for a new TV. It appears that one of our 3, ( in our 1 bedroom appartment..can I beg off on being a news hound?) has finally given up the ghost. God forbid, it was also the big TV in the livingroom, so I guess it needs to be replaced. Frankly.. I like it gone. It's less of a focal point.. makes our livingroom more of a living room instead. Conversation and music and reading goes on here now. It's nice.
Ok, must go, I've got a white Godiva martini sitting in front of me.. and Mario and Donkey Kong in my purse. Off I go! Will post the rest of the evenings adventures in a bit.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Through Other Eyes

This is a picture of me, in a corner (my corner, easel included) of our living room. Mr. A. Poshlust has taken all of the photo's of me/family/friends that have been posted on this site.. My shameless plug.. He's a beautifully talented man, with an amazing gift. What he sees through his lens.. Takes my breath away. And I would say that even if I didn't love him.

Drivin' in the Car, Drivin' in the Car..

It feels like I've been in and out of the car the whole day. Everything was too far to walk, but it always felt like I was jumping in and out of the car, going somewhere. So much for feeling better, relaxing, trying to get over this cold.
I went and got my blood taken by this horribly incompetent nurse. I've had my blood taken.. oh, I'd say about 200 times in my life. At 20, there are few veins left without enough scar tissue to stop a tank. I have one, perfectly resilient vein that refuses to give up, and I point it out to every nurse as their only chance. This nurse, not taking too kindly to my words of advice, preceded to poke me in a completely different spot, and had a little trouble acting surprised and concerned when it not only failed to produce any blood whatsoever, but I put on my best "I told you so" face. She then proceeded to go for the suggested vein. No nurse, doctor, intern, surgeon, hell, my nurse NEIGHBOR managed to hit this vein everytime. This lady? Misses by a mile, goes right through it, and thinks the worlds playing a nasty joke on HER. God Damn. Now I've got a bunch of bruisey poke marks, and if only I was a little thinner could pass for a stylish addict.
Just went and picked up some chicken and potatoes and cranberry sauce, we're having a little tribute to American Thanksgiving today.. Any excuse to eat fake gravy is a good one for me! Stopped in at the liquor store to buy Mr. Almost Poshlust a lovely bottle of wine, and saw somebody in the beer section debating over buying Apricat (a locally brewed yummy apricot flavored beer.. ahh.. microbreweries. ) and some other not so posh beer. Stopped to give this lovely lesbian and her girlfriend advice, and got into a nice conversation. It's funny how much lovelier women are who sleep with each other.. In all honesty, it's sorta like talking to a man.. but with the listening skills of a woman.. yet they still want you. Interesting. We laughed, we talked, debated the fine points of beer, and not once did I feel like she was judging my slap-dash-posh outfit. I mean.. I'm sure her femmy lady friend was.. But I wasn't interested in her.
She was drinking blueberry coolers. How gauche. *wink*
Had coffee today with my darling friend Laura.. Do miss her so. I'm so glad she's back in our city, safe and sound.. I'm so happy that I get to see her. It's funny.. She pointed out that since we spent so much time together in our formative years (personality wise) when it comes right down to it... We're exactly the same person. I noticed the other day when she was here for drinks.. our minds work the same way, we laugh over the same things.. For god sakes, our laugh is the same. Its nice to be with her again.. We're like old comfy shirts hanging out together or something.. Maybe the matching parts to a flannel pj set. We belong together.
Must make mention of my somewhat embarrassing obsession. Camote lent me his fancy little Game Boy the other night at work, to play Mario on to make the day go a little faster.. And damnit, I'm hooked. Can't decide if daydreaming over how to beat that stupid monkey with his bag of dirty tricks is posh or not. Mario is in my dreams. Is this how it starts Camote? Is this how the slide downward begins? Do you have an Atari t-shirt I can borrow, I think I need to look the part. My thumbs are sore.. any homeopathic gamer solutions? Help me.. I'm hooked..
Must get back to making dinner.. must get lid off cranberry sauce.. and dirty pans to make it look like I did more.. Then back in the car to get Mr. A. Poshlust from hockey.. Back in the car.. *sigh*

Ms. Poshlust and Kin..

No really.. I am the oldest..

Boys and Girls

So I just spoke with my little sister.. (does 13 still constitute little? Or does the fact that she's 13 going on 30 come into play somewhere..) and apparently, my brother has his first girlfriend! I don't think any ammount of exclamation marks or little emoticons could properly express my surprise.
He's handsome enough, smart, so kind and caring.. Who wouldn't want him? But my sister says she regularily sees them hanging off each other, kissing and laughing.. Good Lord! I remember when my brother asked my mom if it was possible if he marry her, and just live in the basement for the rest of his life. (Given, he was about 4, and didn't quite understand the whole.. deal..) And now he's got a girlfriend, and her name is "Angelique"? And she's "so beautiful" says my sister? I mean.. good for him.. But when did he even start looking? Holy crap.
He even bought her a necklace while he was at a swim meet in Singapore.. What a guy! *sniff* That's my brother... product of three hens and a soft hearted rooster. All the power to him!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

CNN observations..

So perhaps, just maybe, I watch CNN Headline a little too much. Because now I've begun to recognize Judy Fortin's outfits. (NOT, that when somebody wears a purple on purple cardigan and turtleneck that it's difficult to forget..). But I find watching the American news everymorning does me some good. Perhaps it keeps my cynical nature alive and kicking, maybe I secretly crave the depraved events of the night before and morning immediate to tsk tsk over. But then sometiems, like this morning, it's just utterly comical that the station that birthed the term "WMD"'s has such a slow news day that they start reporting on the Nelly/Tim McGraw duet.

I'm not a huge sports fan, but major brawls and murder plots always pique my interest. For example - Ron Artest's unfortunate "basket-brawl" (the story has it's own icon on the morning sports news!) , wherein a fan, upset perhaps with Artest's performance, launched a full cup of beer at a supine Artest. Now, call me sympathetic, but wouldn't you leap up into the stands and give the gentleman the what for? Suspended for the rest of the seasons 73 games, and poised to lose 5 million, Artest is suitably apologetic.

Flip the coin - Ricky Williams, caught driving while under the influence and in possesion of "illegal substances" (I think we're supposed to infer drugs here..) was, after an oath to seek help, sidelined for 3 games, and is poised to lose only a nasty habit.

Now I ask you, what kind of standard is this that we're setting.. not only for the sports world, but as a meterstick for our children? What's the lesson? Getting into a tussle is worse that doing drugs and becoming a moving murder machine in a car? Or just make sure that your brawl isn't caught on a nationally syndicated sports hour?

Short day at work today, just 9-1, which makes it just almost bearable. Almost. Only 12 more days as of today, thank goodness. Camote brought me his Gameboy today, and while I'm sure my customers didn't approve of Mario and DK, I most certainly did. I appear to be booked to work even after I've departed on the 10th.. God give me the strength to keep a straight face when they call and ask why I'm not at work. I await the day with a light heart.

Not much happening this evening - I'd like to do a little painting, and groceries have to be bought. Oh, the excitment, will it never end? ;-) Ciao friends!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Ms. Poshlust Thinks..

Class or Trash.. Hmm..

Alright, so if I'm dressed in high heels and pajamas with my favorite uber stylish toque on eating bananas dipped in cool whip for breakfast, am I class or trash? Or does it depend entirely on whether I'm watching CNN or Regis and Kelly?
Saw a board game yesterday - Bibleopoly. My only saving grace was that it was sitting next to Kiss-opoly. God bless Parker Brothers.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Lovely Monday

My goodness, sometimes I think if I was any lazier on unjustified days off.. my heart might just slow down to a beat a minute and I'd hibernate.. I took a bit of a mental health day today, re-evaluated what I needed to be doing right now, so on, so forth. It was nice.. nothing to do but a bit of laundry, nobody to talk to but Mr. Almost Poshlust when he called me on his lunch. It was perfect.
Spoke with my Mummy a bit this morning, talking about the dive trip we're taking to Burma, and such and such. She's so busy, sometimes I wonder if she ever actually sleeps. I remember crawling into her room when I had a nightmare as a kid.. And even if I just breathed her name she would hear it, and be instantly awake and ready to console me. If I can be a millionth of the mother she is.. I'll be a great mom. I can't wait to see her again, to not have a time limit on our visit.. (or at least a long one.. 7 months) to wake up and have tea with her in the morning. *sigh* Why is it that you always have to give up so much (ie Mr. Almost Poshlust) to get something? (time with my mother.) Somehow it seems like the scales of the universe are illegally weighted. And forget the dice.. sheesh.
Otherwise, a perfect Monday, went shopping with my Mr. after work for new music - If anyone has a chance, pick up St. Germain des Pres Cafe... it's a kind of homage to jazz.. It's so amazing. Camote, I'll bring it for you tomorrow, you'll just adore it. *smile* I'm in 2-8 tomorrow.. what genius thought that up hey? "Lets let her sleep in, then, just when she's looking forward to seeing her man, send her to work until 8, when she wants to fall asleep! " Gracious. The nerve.
And, dear readers, I'm very happy to tell you my dearest friend has his blog up now, so if you're into high brow humour and a little sly wit (I mean, obviously you are.. you're here...) then check out CallMeTokyo.. My second to none friend Camote's site. And.. But of course.. My bespectacled betrothed, Mr. Almost Poshlust. Please go now, you won't regret a word.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Hit the Ground Running..

There are those weekends that are only separated from the workweek by the fact there is no actual work, but by no means are any less busy. This was definately one of those weekends. Mr. Almost Poshlust and I were so busy, neither of us can believe that it's already Sunday evening!
Saturday morning, unscathed by the amount of wine we drank, and pleased with the amount of leftovers for breakfast, we started our day with the leftover mango ginger stilton and mini-pumpkin pies. *laugh* And I wonder how I manage to get love-handles over night. Damn mini-pies. We spent the morning around home, then went perusing the book and music stores for a couple hours. Mr. Almost Poshlust wanted to see Jim Bryson at the lovely dark little Black Dog, so we wandered in.. and got front row seats in a packed bar for a fantastic show. Watching him there was like having him in your living room, he was so sweet, the music just so amazing. I swear, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Some music just makes you heart swell, and I'm positive it's an actual physical reaction.. and he really puts that feeling in me. *sigh* Please check it out, he's a Canadian artist as well.. So there's your Canadian content!
Sunday I went to see Team America: World Police with Camote, while Mr. Almost Poshlust went to take some fab photo's of a posh friend and her children. Camote and I went to Chapters to peruse, and I found some totally awesome books on design.. Oh why oh why aren't artistic careers plausible.. Oh why oh why do I have to love expensive shoes.. Damn my breeding. Now I'm just relaxing in our very posh and very clean home, listening to Mr. A. Poshlust strum away on the guitar. Ah.. bliss. It's not really so far. We're on our way out to dinner very soon, so I suppose I should ditch the sweatpants and find some fancy earings. *smile* I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, will see you all soon!

Lady In Waiting

Ms. S. Poshlust

Paparrazzi Shots

Camote & Stella / Miriam, Adrienne, James / Camote & Stella

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Morning After

The wineglasses have been washed, the cheeseboards put away, and the night rehashed 50 times by noon today. *smile* Mr. and Mrs. Poshlust's cocktail party was (I believe) a success. Perhaps not a rip roaring one, but a lovely, comfortable, relaxing sweet evening regardless. To everyone that managed to attend last night, thank you for making the evening so memorable - friends like you (Ian, Laura, Miriam, Adrienne, Christina, James, Amanda, Mike, Miranda, Curtis, Alex ) are what make my world go around, and reassures me that no party will go unattended, no cheese platter un-touched, no wine bottle unopened and no topic of conversation unbreached. And of course, no laughter held in. Thank you all for making it such a perfect evening.. And if anyone is in need of tonnes of homemade pumpkin tarts, chocolate covered strawberries or baked brie.. You know who to come to.

And.. my bone to pick. All aforementioned names are of course excluded from said rant, and Mr. Dave as well, due to his impecable sense of propriety; and calling to let us know he would not be attending. To each and every person whom I handed, emailed or extended an invitation to, be it the handmade, 2 hours a piece invites, the much laboured e-invite, or the considerate "hey, we'd love you to come" invite - who did NOT attend, sans RSVP, or worse, extolled their excitement at attending and did NOT come - shame on you. I cleaned my appartment, I made enough food so that you could enjoy it when you did arrive - I held off on putting out the rest of the food so that when you did come (and I was sure that nobody would be so rude as to NOT call) that you would still have something lovely to eat. I put my time and effort into not only inviting you to a party, but welcoming you into my home, my inner sanctum, and to my circle of friends - shame on you for not having the common courtesy or even effort to come up with a lie as to why you would not be attending. I don't care why you're not going to make it - sick? Tell me. Previous engagments? Tell me. Wanna stay home in your pj's and hang out and watch Fresh Prince reruns? Tell me. But I will be damned if I will ever even consider inviting you to my home again, much less saving any baked brie for you.

*deep breath* Let me put my cheese knife down, and take another deep breath and remember to unclench my jaw. Call me old fashioned, diplomatic, staunch, or hell, call me Emily Post. But I believe in common courtesies - walking old ladies across streets, holding the doors open for women, saying please and thank you, and RSVP-ing to invitations. When somebody takes the time to invite you to a party, it's for a reason. Not only that, but chances are, that if it's a small party, they're inviting you to the exclusion of somebody else. So when you don't show, and don't call - chances are there is somebody with a hell of a lot more manners that might not have attended, but would have had the courtesy to telephone and express their regrets.

That's my lesson for today kids, now Mr. Almost Poshlust is taking me to a movie (The Take) and then to see Jim Bryson play at the Black Dog. Again, thank-you to everyone who made last night such a success, it would be my pleasure to have you in my home again.

Friday, November 19, 2004


For any and all interested, they're screening the original Godzilla at Metro tonight and Saturday at 9pm. Jim Bryson is playing at The Black Dog at 4pm on Saturday. Get your gorgeous pointy toed women out and about this weekend (ahem.. Mr. Almost Poshlust) and take in some honest to God art and entertainment. And for my sake, please skip the Sponge Bob movie. Ciao!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

So I'm completely NOT one of those girls..

.. But I've got a crush. A bad crush. On Anderson Cooper from CNN. I mean.. how sexy can intellgence get? (it's rhetorical). And grey hair on a young man? Oh Anderson - I'm all about your 360 degrees. *sigh*


*whew!* Let me sit down for just one moment, oh Lord. My feet are sore from all the running around, it's been such a hectic week.. my soles.. and my soul.. is so worn out! *laughing* We're busy beyond belief, but in a good way.
We went to see Jim Munroe read at Remedy last night, and it was a blast. He presented with a political cartoonist and this God awful writer Emily Pohl-Weary.. Who's idols, in terms of sex appeal, were Peg Bundy from Married with Children and Courtney Love. No joke. She told us. It was one of those situations where you can't really look anyone in the eye, because if you start laughing.. you're not going to stop. *chuckle* It was so bad! Her book was atrocious, and I couldn't find out how on earth anyone had chosen to publish it.. Turns out they hadn't.. It's self published! *laughing hard* Mr. Almost Poshlust and I had quite a good laugh about it I tell you, mean spiteful haughty people that we are... But honestly, it was the worst.
We had a good time regardless.. funny how being united against something comically nauseating does that to people.. And it wasn't a complete bust, we did get to see Mr. Munroe read. Which was worth every Peg Bundy wannabe. Almost.
Our "cocktail" party (as Mr. T insists on calling it.. Ohhh.. alright.. if we have to be so cool.. ) is tomorrow, and I'm busy as a bee trying to tidy. Ok.. maybe that's an understatement? I'm gonna whip that vacuum cleaner around our house like Andrew through Florida. Hot Damn. It's gonna look so good, none of our party attendees will know that it's usually covered in paint and empty wine glasses. Ah. So. But I've got delicious posh little yummies to feed people, and great drinks and good music. If they don't have a good time then bollocks to them, yes? God, wish me luck. I'll die if they don't have fun.
More later, once I've scrapped the paint off the coffee table..

Monday, November 15, 2004

All the Kings Men...

Colin Powell has resigned. Along with Ashcroft.. and another not so important guy. The importance comes in the numbers. Three have jumped boat... Rumsfeld leaves, and I'm spending the next 4 years in a bunker with a lot of survival bars.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

We're Having A Party!

Check out our awesome invitation.. I put together the actual physical one, and Mr. Almost Poshlust scanned it and did his computer magic so we could send it to other friends online! Wish me luck with my cocktail party this Friday.. Many pictures to follow I'm sure.. *smile* Had a beautiful posh weekend, and will write too much about it later.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

One Wrong Turn Restores Faith

Nobody can accuse me of having a good sense of direction. Coupled with bad map reading skills and a suburban hell of cul de sac.. What happened last night really shouldn't be that much of a shock.

One of my dear friends, Mrs. M, had a lovely little baby, and was kind enough to invite me to her baby shower. Having never been to a baby shower, unsure of appropriate attire and hearing horrendous tales of "baby shower games".. I accepted, not reluctantly, but not altogether without fear. Egging on my terror was the fact that I would not only have to drive myself, (apparently men aren't welcome at such things..) but I would have to drive myself deep into the depths of a suburban housing development.

Not one to shirk my duties as a friend and party attendee.. I had Mr. Poshlust make me a map, took a city map and a cellphone with me in case of serious lost-ness, and headed out, appropriately late and hopefully, appropriately attired.

So I made it to the north side with relative ease, I mean, it was basically one straight line, enough for me to crank up Mos Def and sing along. But once I got TO the north side, that's where my troubles began. Dead ends, non-compliance with house numbers, houses that I thought SHOULD be the right ones.. only to find out they had no windows yet and there was most certainly NOT a baby shower there. 7:15 was nicely tardy, but at 7:40 I was giving up hope. My cell phone wasn't working, so I couldn't call anyone for directions, and it was dark. Oh so dark.

Hallelujah! Salvation! Two men "shootin' the shit" by a truck. I leapt out of my car, ran over doing my best maiden in distress act, and begged for directions. Apparently not only was I close (a five minute drive at worst) but chances are I had driven past already. Showering them both with thanks, hearing their front door close in the background, I ran back to my little car, to discover that being a consciencious city girl, I had locked my keys inside with the engine running. Not having any shame, I decided that I would crawl in the trunk, which I also promptly discovered was locked.

So I trudged, embarrassed and lost, up to the front door of aforementioned direction man's home. Where, I was promptly ushered in, offered a beer, and made to feel quite at home with Valerie and Dominick, and soon their friends who arrived to hang out. I called Mr. Almost Poshlust and the babyshower, Mr. Almost Poshlust sent AMA and the babyshower sent Stacey out for a recovery mission. Meanwhile, I was being fabulously entertained by Dominick and Valerie, who made me feel somewhat less stupid and so at home I couldn't believe it. They insisted I go to my party, and Valerie would call when AMA got there.

I don't know sometimes, when I watch the news in the morning, how our world gets from one day to the next with so much heartbreak and sadness and misdirection. I know now it's because quietly, softly, with a beer and an open door, people like Valerie and Dominick and their beautiful friends and family nudge the world from one day to the next. They point people in the right direction, and they give you a call when all is well. To Valerie and Dominick, thank-you.

It turns out that a cell phone tower was down, thus the reason I couldn't contact anyone. Brad had locked the trunk for my own safety, and I had indeed driven by the correct home numerous times. The babyshower was perfect, the baby even more so. I made it home just fine, with one or two wrong turns.. But in the big scheme of things, with people like Valerie and Dominick out there.. who wouldn't want to make a few wrong turns in life?

Hey You, in the Glass House!

Hey you in the glass house...

Friday, November 12, 2004


Left the computer, and turned on CNN.. Scott Peterson was found guilty of killing his wife and unborn child. While definately a coup for Laci's family.. It worries me. If he was guilty of killing an unborn child.. Where is this going to land doctors who perform abortions? Setting precedent is a dangerous thing.

A Sunny Friday

Our day is just barely starting at 2 o'clock today.. Our beautiful, fantastic, 1 of 3 days off together! Mr. Almost Poshlust made it home just fine from his business trip yesterday, and Camote and I had a fabulous, good food and art filled day. We spent 8 hours just relaxing, eating, talking, and creating in my living room. He's such a good friend.. Sometimes I think the silences are so comfortable because we're still talking.. just without words. What would I do without him?
We don't have a lot of plans today.. Other than cleaning up our horribly messy home! Our busy week starts on Wednesday this week, we're going to see Jim Munroe read, then Thursday Mr. Almost Poshlust plays hockey.. (and Ms. S. Poshlust gets to hear him complain after... ) Friday we're having a cocktail party here, and Saturday we're going to see Jim Bryson play. *phew* Could we get any busier? I think not.
But today we're concentrating on relaxing.. What a funny turn of phrase! *smile* I've got to get some bloodwork done.. These allergies are getting worse, and god knows what else. Plus I've got to post some new paintings that were completed yesterday! Other than that, Mr. Almost Poshlust and I are going to do a little shopping, and kick back. Ah, to have a day off. I almost forgot what it was like.
Spoke to my Mum last night, it was just Diwali, and they were letting off fireworks (as was the rest of Delhi.). I think it's like our Christmas. Or New Years. Sadly, I've forgotten!! It was good to talk to her. How is it that mothers always know when something is wrong? I think she's right.. she's got some kind of motherly spidey sense as to when something isn't quite right. Apparently other kids don't have a relationship like that with their Mums.. I can't imagine ours being any other way! Gosh I do miss her.
Well, I suppose my day really should start. Mr. Almost Poshlust is taking photos of my paintings as we speak, so they should be posted sooner than later. What would I do without my own personal photographer living with me? *smile* Off to start my day!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Ok.. so maybe I spoke too soon..

I have a little bit of time to blog.. Just because Mr. Almost Poshlust is making me dinner, and I have a few spare minute.. so I thought.. why not?

Had a very thrilling experience.. Went to buy some new canvas's at the art store, and I was looking for some 12 by 12 inch canvas's.. And the art lady went into the back and said "I'm just going to look for some canvas for this artist"... Fabulous. She called me an artist. I could have just melted right out of my fancy pants hat. I swear my heart skipped a little beat and painted a big interpretation or excitement in my butterfly-ish stomach. *sigh*

I'm home for the rest of the night with a sore tummy.. I think I had an allergic reaction, but we've been really careful lately, and so Mr. Almost Poshlust have been trying to muddle through our past few meals trying to figure out what it was.. *oh well* At least I'm home.. we're making chicken makhani for dinner (ok.. Mr. Almost Poshlust is making dinner..) and we're going to relax the eve away. Hope everyone has a nice evening, sleepovers and otherwise!

One, is the most fabulous number..

Because it's the last day of my stretch here at work! I can almost bear the 6 hours left, there is sun streaming in, and it seems like work is slow..but time is fast. Finally!

I got to speak with my Mummy yesterday, living far far overseas.. She's having quite the time setting up a mela (market?) for later this month, and has been quite the busy lady.. It's so nice to talk to her though.. You all know what it's like to chat with your mum's.. They just make everything alright.. even when nothing's wrong. Her laugh is just so fantastic, so contagious, it gets into my dreams and makes me smile for the rest of the week. What a lady. She's got a blind soothsayer coming to the mela - he tells your future by the sound of your voice. Where my mother finds these people.. or how they find her.. We have yet to tell.

Mr. Poshlust leaves for a business trip tomorrow, and Camote and I have our day of arts and culture (see: watching cartoons, stretching canvas and eating good food.. most excellent. ) Then me and the Mr. have 3 gorgeous days off together, full of next to nothing to do.. just like we like it. *smile*

So, fabulous bloggers, I'll hopefully be so busy with my darling boy this weekend that I won't have TIME to blog! Have a beautiful and posh couple of days, and I'll talk to you soon!

Mr. and Ms. Poshlust.. and Ms. Poshlust's fantastic new headgear.

A New Poshlust Painting


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A little question...

Can somebody please tell me why the "street person" outside of Starbucks is begging and drinking a 6$ iced latte? I mean.. It's minus 10 outside. At least get a hot drink with your ill-beggotten funds. I bet his benefactors all thought he was going to buy sandwiches and mittens.

In the Land of Snow and Princesses..

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it through another month of this job.. (who am I kidding. I'll make it through fine. Just like I always do. Reading my books and having brief flashes of hope as I feel the begginning of carpal tunnel..) At least I know what I don't want to be in life. *chuckle*

On a beautiful, lighter note.. Mr. Almost Poshlust and I had a lovely evening last night, lighting all the candles and listening to our favorite Nightmares on wax cd and taking pictures and drinking deliciously wicked Godiva White Chocolate Liquer on the rocks, to compliment my deliciously wicked new white snow princess hat. That's right. Snow Princess. (This hat is also getting me through my day... I've gone to work dressed up as a veritable snow princess, all white pearled cardigans and creamy sequined tops. I just imagine every craptastic person I speak to is a measly subject not altogether unswayed by the powers of my flashy hat. It makes me feel better. Is that so bad? )

As well, my loyal snow man Camote is sitting right by me, all striped shirts and royal nose. He's getting me through my day with his witty repartee.. and the fact that we can compete over who of us actually hates their job more. It's a vicious contest, made all the more poignant by the fact that I'm leaving, and he's staying here.. Unless he makes use of his stunning little mind and writes the novel of the decade. Maybe even century. You heard it here first. And I better be in the linear notes. Or at least be a character. A sexy smart one. With wings.. and shiny shoes.

Alright... my brief window of non-working is closing.. and I must return to the gallows.. I mean.. work.. I mean.. cry. Oh well. It's pay day tonight. God bless. A temporary band-aid.

Monday, November 08, 2004

There's No Place Like Home

Thank-goodness, my nearly impossible and certainly interminable day has ended. Only two more sunless, lifeless office days until my fantastic four day weekend, one day to be spent with my darling man Camote and the rest with my only man Mr. Almost Poshlust. (due to the fact Mr. Almost Poshlust is taking a rather untimely and apparently quite festive business trip to what might as well be another part of the world.. Calgary.)

I've bought myself a rather startling new hat.. pictures to be posted later. It's winter I say, and bollocks to anyone who doesn't know how to bundle up attractively. Or at least with a sense of humour. *laughing* Cause baby, it's cold outsite.

We're having a fabulous dinner tonight, our weekly homage to being vegetarian sympathizers, goat cheese, strawberry, toasted almonds with a balsamic vinegar, garlic and olive oil dressing, with sliced baked potatoes covered in garlic and rosemary and pepper and olive oil, dipped in Sour Suprem. (Our near sour cream and saving grace for a lactose intolerant posh household.) Let me know if you want the recipes, they're tasty to the enth degree.

Mr. Poshlust is tuning the guitar and my paints are calling, so so long little blogettes, Ms. Poshlust and her hat are off and running!

Ergonomics versus Being Unemployed

Things are so painfully tedious today. I want to leave work and walk in the snow with Mr. Almost Poshlust and wear a toque and drink hot chocolate and have pink cheeks and a spring in my step... rather than have this chair with a spring up my ass and the keyboard (hopefully) giving me carpal tunnel syndrome, in which case I can become one of those office ladies bleached white by the flourescent lights with a little wrist wrap demanding the union massage her bunions and feed her Oreos.

So I've made Mr. Almost Poshlust promise that I will only ever have to paint and make goat cheese when we travel the world with our babies and our goat, and take photographs and eat omelettes in one hundred different cities and be denizens of the world. And learn a dozen languages (or at least how to say "breakfast for two" and "where are the jewels" in every language) Or form a band named Bombay Duck and release an album called Banana Chocolate Tiger Babies, and tour the land in ruby slippers.

Or at least, with 4 hours to go in my day, that's what I pray will happen. Because this spring in my ass is getting worse, and my wrists aren't getting any stiffer. God Damn.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Snowy Sunday

This weekend has just flown by, I can't believe we're almost to another Monday.. How can it be that we were just saying thank-goodness it was Friday? Not that I've had the days off.. I had the pleasure of working a long and solitary and horrendously busy Saturday. The silver lining? Sunday (today) was lovely and slow, and I got to take the afternoon off. Spent it with Mr. Almost Poshlust puttering around the home, painting and listening to him play guitar, and finally mopping out nasty kitchen floor. Is it too terribly sad when at 20 years of age the highlight of my Sunday is that I put a new sponge on the mop? I think mayhap I need to get out more. Party with the silver and the loud and the blond and the little pointy toed ladies with lovely hips. Or maybe just live vicariously through my man-about town Camote, a 3 bar Bar Star this weekend.. Yes, I think that is the right idea. Sexy living minus the unsexy hangover. Vicarious it is. Until then, I'm off to watch a g-rated movie and laugh with Mr. Almost Poshlust. Ha. Party indeed.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Around the World in 21 Days

It's been a whirlwind. What can I say? I've been terribly delinquent in my postings, and have almost entirely abandoned my previous site for this, much easier, troglodyte friendly blog site. God knows I was putting Mr. Almost Poshlust at loose ends trying to have him publish and photograph and web-manage and all those seemingly terrible time consuming things.

So, I'm trying my unsteady hand at doing this myself, vaulting me and my record player into the 21st century. *smiling*

To recap - October has been such an adventurous month. We've just unpacked from our wonderful trip to India, finally setting all the curios down on the shelves and the suitcases back in the storage room. I can't believe we're back here in the -15 degree weather when we left in +35. It just doesn't seem too terribly fair.

We didn't buy our little loft in the city center, where we already had the floorplans and the furniture all picked out.. We were in a battle with time and exhaustion as we were leaving for India, and it seems that that all worked out for the best.

I forget every time I go to India just how much I love it there, how much it seems to mirror my soul and my mind.. when I haven't even looked in the reflection yet. I miss it more and more everytime I return.. So, after a very long and tearful talk with Mr. Almost Poshlust, we've decided that I should be off traveling there for 8 months, working the kinks out of my brain and my soul and doing that horribly cliched act of "working things out" and "finding myself".
(Not, as the rumor has it in the office, because Mr. Almost Poshlust has recently gotten himself a fetching new hairdo and swish pair of spectacles and feels he should be moving on up, and kicking me on out. Cruel office people.)

Therefore, this January, I'll (hopefully) be departing for India for 8 months, to volunteer and work and do all those lovely things that should nurture my mind and my soul. Then, back here just in time for winter and for school to start and me to go and get a higher education. With any luck at least.

Those are most of the updates I suppose. We've been having a fantastic time, living up our two months, shopping and kissing and eating good meals and generally having as much contact as we can. Life is so beautiful right now, I could burst. For the first time in a long time.. I'm happy. Given, I've had to dust that card off in my emotional rolodex it's been so long.. But there it is, however faint... Happy.

Love Always!

Ms. S. Poshlust

Sexy Monday Music

An excellent playlist if I do say myself. A little word of advice, the best music site on the web, www.allmusicguide.com lets you search by mood. Feeling a little sexy, gritty, sad? Let Mr. Frank Sinatra take care of you baby..

1. "Sure Thing" - St. Germain
2. "Tom the Model" - Beth Gibbons
3. "Pink Moon" - Nick Drake
4. "Get Gone" - Fiona Apple
5 "Climb" - Mos Def
6. "Ambulance"- TV on the Radio
7. "Sour Times" - Portishead
8."Walking after Midnight" - Patsy Cline
9. "Talk Show Host" - Radiohead
10. "Black Coffee" - Sarah Vaughn
11. "Until the Morning"- Thievery Corporation
12. "Haitian Love Songs" - CocoRosie
13. "Laura" - Scissor Sisters
14. "Hellhound on my Trail" -Robert Johnson
15. "(I can't get no) Satisfaction" - Cat Power
16. "These Arms of Mine" - Otis Redding
17. "The Seed (2.0)" - The Roots feat Cody Chesnutt
18. "Spooky" - Dusty Springfield
19. "Don't Smoke in Bed" - Nina Simone

Monday, November 01, 2004

Youth in Asia for Bush...

Well, the other 4 year shoe has dropped, and Bush has been re-elected. I can't say I blame the American public, not that there is blame anywhere in my heart for anyone, not even the Dems for not fighting hard enough.. I mean.. I have to say that I would have done the same, electing Bush, and not just because of my strange belief in constitutional gun rights..

While the Kerry -Edwards ticket was definitely appealing, hip, young (?).. I can't vote (or support, given that I'm Canadian) for Kerry just because he's not Bush. I tried to fall for him: the war vet, the working mans man, with his trusty Edwards (elect in '08 sidekick. )But I just couldn't do it. Give me something to support you with, be it womens rights or a tangible plan for the troops overseas.. Anything that I can get behind.. But don't stump purely on the fact that you aren't the other guy.

Sadly, with a surprisingly early concession speech (putting all those lawyers chomping at the bit in a tizzy) and the announcement from a suspiciously absent Edwards that he would be permanently leaving politics due to cancer in the family(opening the door for Hilary '08) - the Dems folded like a fad.