Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Ah. Progress.

So I was out all day yesterday, doing all my running around, and apparently I've blown a brain gasket, because I'm completely incapable of functioning today. I don't know whats wrong with me - I can't get up, I can't eat.. I feel like I'm slipping so quickly back to where I used to be. And I feel like I can't stop the slide. I feel like I'm standing in front of this huge boulder rolling towards me, hoping that I can will it to stop. What am I supposed to do?
I was driving down Jasper Ave. yesterday - near the bottom they're building a huge new lux apartment complex, in Oliver. It's right across from the Synagogue. Slowly, everytime I go by, it gets a little bit taller. The synagogue faces south, and the apartment building faces it, going north. Now that the apartment is tall enough, it casts this huge shadow on the synagogue.. and no more sun can shine through the stained glass windows. It made my stomach hurt to see it.
Some humour for the morning - PETA has a billboard erected in our red meat city saying Santa isn't coming because he drinks milk and it makes him fat and lazy and impotent etc etc.. So the Bear, our local shock rock radio station.. Is having their own protest tomorrow.. and having a barbeque right underneath it. Priceless.
Going to try and get organized for my trip to my grandmothers after I end work.. It's really only 9 days away, if they'll let me work them, considering I haven't exactly been a great employee lately. Maybe I'll be so lucky that they'll just tell me to stay home. *sigh* Excellent. A girl can dream right? After that.. I have to start seriously thinking about packing etc etc. God.. No wonder I'm incapable of functioning lately.
Will try to write on a happier note later. Maybe e flat.

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