Friday, September 30, 2005

And I Haven't Even SEEN a Krispy Kreme

I'm totally smitten. I think I might just set up camp outside the big church that looks eeirily like a courthouse. (Hmm.)
I visited the Renwick Gallery yesterday, not bad, a couple of worthwhile paintings, but overall an unimpressive exhibit. They had this strange "American Silver" exhibit that kind of reflected a timeline of American art/architecture/culture/immigration through tea services. Hey.. I guess you work with what you've got in the attic.
Then I went to the Corcoran.. and cried. They have this spectacular Warhol exhibit on, with probably 100+ pieces on loan from Pittsburg. I did, I cried. I started at the photos of Truman Capote, picked up sniffles as I gaped at the Sing Sing Electric Chair silkscreens.. I was so impressed. To actually see these works that we've all see so many times, to be close enough to touch them, to see the paint brush bristles left in Jackie Kennedy's portrait. I cried.
After that, walked by the White House and the Washington Monument. Now, I've gotta break from the art stories, and note the effect that such a giant phallic monument must have on a man, say, even the President, when he looks out of the White House every day and at the giant white penis across the street. It kind of inspired a little testosterone in me, I should say. This gigantic, erect, supremely white erection, just there in the middle of the greenspace. Needless to say, I gaped back and forth between the few for a couple minutes, then had a strange craving to eat a hot dog and fire off some ammo.
Stopped by the Smithsonian (yeah, like anyone "stops by") to catch a few of their exhibits. Hit up the dinosaur bones and the evolution exhibits, and even saw the Hope Diamond, which was pretty nifty. There were like, three million screaming kids and a plethora of chinese women in these weird little matching cardigans and safari hats all lining up for pictures next to the triceratops. Which, I have to say, I did have visions of coming to life and stomping all the oxidentals to a cashmere and sequined paste. Godzilla...
Also went by the "African Voices" exhibit, which was really neat. Unfortunately (and of course, without intention) it was like, way back in the corner of the museum, after you walked past all the "Museum Shop Storage" and "Mind Our Dust" signs. Hmm. It was really neat though, they had childrens dolls from different era's and regions - that was probably my favorite. So, after I slogged back to the main museum (and through the "Sikh" exhibit - I shit you not, they had things like "What do Sikh's eat?" and "How do Sikh's celebrate?" with little diaramas.. heheh...)
I headed home, but not before checking out the J. Edgar Hoover building (woo hoo FBI!.. but, get this.. the tours were cancelled. I wonder why.) which had some supremely friendly security gaurds, and walking past the "National Committee for Committees" building.
Came back in time to make some dinner, and hung out with Bryan after school. Had a couple glasses of wine and talked Economics and disparity and all that juicy stuff. I had a really nice time - he's so smart, and so interesting, and has perspectives that I've never even considered. Every time that I sit down to talk to him I learn something. I hope I'm like that eventually.
Have so much more to tell, but I'm headed out to the Jazz Festival - Duke Ellington grew up here, so there's a lot going on. Hope all is well - hate to remind everyone, but it was 25 degrees here today.. *sigh* It's tough. Love you all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

And I Found Washington.

So I'm here, in the nations capital. Not my nation, but by the looks of the shopping, maybe I wouldn't mind. It's beautiful here - the weather, the people, the architecture - I love it. Maybe it's just where I am in the city.... but there's also a high number of gay men and black people. Hm.
My flight was uneventful - Minneapolis has a great airport, and everyone is incredibly friendly. On the second leg of my trip sat next to a super neat gentleman from Georgia, a writer/editor for an NRA hunting magazine. There's nothing to get a conversation going like "Hey, what's in the big brown box?" "Oh, those are antelope cutlets.". Hm. Actually turned out to be a really interesting person, really articulate, degree in photography and journalism, and totally changed my views on hunting etc. To top it off, one of the stewardesses was a John Prine worshiping-womens-prison-ministering-born-again, and the other was this funny black lady who kept pointing out that she served in desert storm and repeatedly flipped off the captain from the back of the plane. Who needs in-flight movies I ask you.
Bryan's apartment is stunning (for 2200$ a month it damn well be) and I'm having such a nice time. I don't know if I can come home - my dorm room looks positively lonely and mean. Scratch that. I don't know if I WANT to come home. *laugh*.
Going to check out the Smithsonian and the Corcoran Gallery tomorrow - can't wait. Take care all, talk soon.

Monday, September 26, 2005

No Really, I'm Looking for the State of Hexis

No word of a lie. I'm bumbling around the internet looking for the proper definition of "hexis" to get a better grounding for my philosophy essay, and it keeps asking me if I mean to be looking for the " definition of the State of Texas".

Which, by the way includes things like "A texas is a deckhouse immediately below the pilothouse of a straight-deck freighter" and alternately "Texas is an alternative rock and pop music band from Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom".

None of which, I may add, will even make my philosophy teacher crack a smile. Or me write an essay.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Help Me Maury!! I'm a Dorm Girl Addicted to Rock and Roll!

Went to the Powerplant last night with my neighbors Pam and Stephanie, and Ian. (Only a mental neighbor. ;-) Met up with a bunch of other people from the dorms. Didn't know it was pajama night. Call me crazy - colour me surprised... But I would have thought this would be an excuse for people to dress up in waaay innapropriate sleep wear.. Instead, it was a bunch of women actually sporting the unwashed-for-weeks-cigarrette-burn-kraft-dinner-covered sweat pants and t-shirts. That, my friends.. is not what I call appealing. (And sure enough, by 12am they were all doing the "I'm single and the lights are gonna come on soon" dance; characterized by blantant eyes of desperation and random man gripping and groping. Yeeps.)
We had a good time, a nice little dance (I now officially now how to two-step, thanks to Jordan in 608 - who couldn't have known that when he spun me around I would let go of his hand and spin oh-so-ginger-rogers like into the curtains), and was in bed fairly early. (Which, I've noticed, never makes it easier to get up the next morning. Hrumph.) I've got a laid back 11am day today, pretty chill. I'm going to clean and do some laundry (the fun never ends) and kick back and work on my philosophy. Which I'm surprised is in the same sentence as "kick back". Oh you nasty maturity.
I'm completely addicted to "The Black Keys". Addicted used lightly, it's not like I'm crushing up their cd to stuff up my nose or anything. Addicted in terms of "Girl is On My Mind" is on constant replay, and I'm pretty sure that everyone thinks I'm nutty. I just picked up the new cd from Megatunes, and I'm considering putting it under my pillow in the hopes that the rock and roll fairy (whom I picture as a discombobulated mix of Pamela Anderson, Joan Jett and Steven Tyler) will make me cooler in exchange. Please check it out..
Until then.. I'm off to wash my pjamas.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What's Up With That?

At the grocery store this afternoon there was a little man buying 6 huge bottles of bleach and a blueberry pie. So very odd.

Made potato soup this afternoon and took a nap - worked on my symbolic logic homework with Ian, and watched the crazy "Lost" premiere. It's so cold out, the only thing I could think of that I wanted to make was soup. How is it that winter is coming so quickly?

Stay warm everyone.. and uh.. stay away from the blueberry pie..

Tuesday Night Special

Went to power yoga with Laura and my neighbor Stephanie, we're going to make it a Tuesday night thing. Came back here, laughed, drank some beer. With the good fortune that I've got late classes on Wednesday, I couldn't have planned it better. Had a good time - yoga was packed, good class. Have a lot to work on the next few days, trying to avoid leaving anything to the last minute, especially with going to see Bryan soon. Take care all - talk soon.

Monday, September 19, 2005

On the SLP Index..

The economy of my brain is running a sleep deficit. (That's how profound I get when tired.) I drained it of all that extra sleep that it had acccumulated while pretending to be responsible, and then some - now I'm stuck feeling like the REM stocks are on the slide. (As opposed to oil.. can you believe it's 51$ USD per barrel?)
Watched the news this morning - residents are flooding back into New Orleans, at the behest of the Mayor and to the chagrin of the President. Call me crazy - but there's some electricity, little clean water, it smells, none of the hospitals are running, there is no food, no phone service and no 911. My culinary abilities aside, it sounds like a bit of a recipe for disaster. To top it off.. it's not like the hurricane season is over, in fact, they're forcasting 2 at the moment. Is the situation going to arise that we'll have to rescue people twice? I understand (vaguely) the hearts and economy campaign that the mayor is waging, he wants people back into the city to make money, to revitalise, more importantly; to prove that they will be ok. But what kind of message is it going to send when we have to send MORE people in to help again? I guess the upside is that the government will have a second chance to react, and hopefully with more success than before.
As to the claims of racism in the relief efforts, former President Clinton had the best, and wisest response. He said "Wherever this disaster will disproportionately effect poor people, it will disproportionately effect black people" (or something very close to that effect.) It hints at a deeper problem, while addressing the current. A very political, and very smart answer.
I'm waiting for Sociology to start, and then am off home to nap for a bit. Hope everyone is well - buy stock in sleep.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Smile, You're On My New Webcam...

Weekend Synopsis

What a wonderful weekend - I don't even know where to start. As most weekends do.. I guess I'll start with Friday.

Ian and I went to Saul Williams on Friday night. I have to say, it was a truly transcendental night. Good drinks, good food, good friends; and Saul. He was amazing. There's so much power in his voice, so much conviction - it's almost militant. When he was speaking with the beats in the background his whole being got into it, he rocked out pretty hard. And then when he was simply speaking, it was almost just as musical, he has such an amazing voice. The energy from the crowd, the fact that everyone was having such a good time, that everyone who was there really wanted to be there - it was phenomenal. It was a truly amazing night, and it was a pleasure to share it with such a good friend!

Slept in Saturday until late in the afternoon, lazing in bed and relaxing, reading. Didn't really get up until later in the afternoon when Ian got off of work, and we made the trip out to Ikea. I needed a mat for the kitchen and some towels, and Ian needed a coffee pot and so forth, so we headed out there after work. It's been a pretty beautiful weekend, about 20 degrees both days. Still a titch too cold for me.. but better than the wet awful rain that it's been. Ian and I just chilled after that, hung out at his house, drank wine, watched some good movies, until some of his friends showed up. Enjoyed chatting with them (I think I know 3 of his friends all named Colin now..). Spent the night laughing and chatting with one of the Colins, well travelled and interesting guy - left for the UK early this morning sometime. *laugh* Ships in the night.

Slept a couple hours this morning, then headed out with Ian to get the rest of our chores done. We went out to West Edmonton to check out the new shops, did a little bit of window shopping. We're such bad influences on each others spending habits, it's not even funny. (Really. Not even.) So we headed out of there in a hurry.

Went to Culina for dinner, compliments of Ian. There's something about that restaurant that just gaurentees a fabulous time. Sunday nights are my favorite, the family style set menu relieves any pressure on choosing the right meal - it's all done for you. So we chatted and enjoyed ourselves immensely - as we've done all weekend. It was the perfect end to a Sunday night, and the perfect way to end a weekend. It was nice to be out with a friend, laughing and having a good time. Hell, it was just nice to be happy again.

Getting ready to go see Bryan at the end of the month, have to really work hard so I don't miss anything. I'm determined to get my hands on as many of the bursaries as I can, so I really need every second to study and work until I leave. Hope everyone is well - stay warm, stay safe.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Saul for Y'all


For Your Friday Night Pleasure

Out of the gutter. No pictures here. LISTENING pleasure.
1. The Black Keys - Girl is on My Mind
2. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Sympathetic Noose
3. Kanye West feat. Jamie Fox - Gold Digger
4. Dinah Washington- Mad About the Boy
5.Emilliana Torrini - Unemployed in the Summertime
6. Jay-Z- Lucifer
7. John Lee Hooker - Boom Boom Boom
8. Low Millions - Eleanor
9. Me'Shell Ndegeochello - Pocket Book
10.The White Stripes - Little Ghost

And The Purse Will Match the Wine Label

Spent the morning mooning about in bed admiring my legwarmers that (not accidentally) match my sheets (I have an accessorizing sickness, even when sleeping), and kept me nice and warm last night when I cranked the window open. Couldn't get up - washed my pillowcases the other day and they smelled so good that I latched my legwarmered calves to the bed and buried my face in them and didn't get up until it was absolutely positively unavoidable. Wherein I had to do the half stumble/half run smiley sleepy walk to my English Literature class.
Just in between classes, Sociology class isn't until 1. I sit beside this hilarious little Polish girl who's 17. That's right. 17. BUT, her birthday is Saturday. Thank goodness. Now she'll be able to fail and blame it on beer like everyone else. Poor thing. She didn't have an excuse until now..
Realised that last night was the first time I've ever done anything like that alone- found an event, wanted to see it.. and went. I've never done that before. Usually I'm too scared. If nobody will go with me, I don't go. I didn't even think about it.. Blind courage. *laugh* Am, without right, proud of myself. Now, if only I can do things like that knowingly, I'll have a reason to be proud. Last night I just kinda stumbled there and was surprised when I mentioned to Bryan I went by myself. Next up - A movie alone. Yeeps.
Going to see Saul Williams with Ian tonight. A good way to round out a good week. Will let you know how it goes - It's the first time I've been out to an event on a Friday that doesn't involve wine and cheese in.. in forever. Though.. well, I carry a big purse. It might involve wine and cheese.
Take care everyone, enjoy the weekend. Get out and see the North of Nowhere festival, support our arts community!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Upcoming Events

Some great things coming to Edmonton the next little while, good music, good festivals. The Edmonton Small Press is having their North of Nowhere festival, and the Metro Cinema has some great independant films playing. Check it out friends, it's so cold out, you might as well warm up your brains.

Sept.17th - "Lipstick and Dynamite" @ Metro Cinema
Sept. 18th - "Outfoxed" @ Metro Cinema
Sept. 16th - Saul Williams @ The Powerplant
Sept. 20th - Button Making Workshop - Part of the North of Nowhere Festival
Sept. 21st - The Sights @ New City
Sept. 24th - Small Press Fair @ Red Strap Market - Part of North of Nowhere Festival
Sept. 25th - Matthew Barber @ New City
Oct. 7th - Feist @ The Starlite Room
Nov. 17th - Broken Social Scene @ Reds

By Way of Minneapolis

Fabulous as an Undertaker

Went to the amazing Aesthetic Apparatus lecture this evening at the lecture lab at school - It was amazing. Picked up two fantastic posters (the one for The Strokes, and the one for The Thermals). I was only sort of planning on going, had been feeling really tired, and decided at the last moment to rush over, and am I ever glad I did. The two guys have this strange Wes Anderson/Royal Tennenbaums way of speaking that just cracks me up. They were so approachable and cool, and their speech on independant design and business was excellent. Very realistic, very "Don't expect to make money at this". But in a really gentle, funny way. And they were dressed like a cross between hipsters, undertakers and Mormons. Damn skippy. It made my brain switch back into the art and design mode that it really hasn't really been in for a while, so it was really nice. I could feel my brain expanding and breathing and firing. It was fabulous.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Happiness is in Eritrea

Spent the evening with Laura and Alejandro and Matt at Mbrats, a lovely little Eritrean cafe. Mbrat, the beautiful little owner brought us the strongest coffee and now I'm so widely awake that I don't know what to do. My belly is full of Eritrean food and my brain is full of all the chit chat and laughter and baby photos that went around. I'm so happy. I don't mind staying up if I feel like this.

Oh, We Feel Ya..

Call me crazy.. (people do).. But given the destruction, death and mayhem that hurricane Katrina caused; why exactly are people refusing to leave for hurricane Ophelia? It doesn't make sense to me. I think they should have to pay for their own rescue. Upfront.

Home.. Away From Home

For one of the first times in the past two weeks, I really felt at home last night. My beautiful wonderful friend Laura and her oh-so charming hubby invited me to their friends house for dinner - and luckily, their friend Eliot didn't even mind. He was the most charming host, having a hungry and somewhat dirty footed (the rain was awful and the mud was inescapbable) little girl descend on his apartment.

It was a completely charming little place - one of the lofts that we'd looked at long ago. Very sweetly decorated, record player, ancient couch - very stylish, but in a haphazard way. It was really comfortable and friendly. So we sat and drank wine and laughed and chatted, about music and writing and school. It made me so happy, to be sitting there with like minded people. It was really.. really nice.

On another note, and another home.. I go to Washington at the end of the month! We've (B and me) booked the tickets.. and now all to do is wait. I'm so thrilled. I can't wait to see him, it's been so long. I know it sounds flippant and vapid.. But I'll be happy to be somebodies girlfriend again, to hold somebodies hand. *laugh*

Alright - my classes aren't until 11 today, but I should make shapes. Take care everyone, keep warm!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok, so it's a step down.

I'm still alive, still remaining far away from anything that remotely resembles beer (which includes, but is not limited to apple juice, honey and cider vinegar) and still feeling a little lonely. I feel like I should still be somewhere over the ocean, that my brain and my heart still haven't agreed on where is home, and where exactly I should be. God willing that'll be sometime soon, because everything is kinda tasting like airplane food.
Classes are good - easier than I thought, despite the dire and predictable warnings of various professors. My english teacher is pompous, as they all should be, and my philosophy teacher plays dungeons and dragons, and I've got a view of an abandonned tractor tire yard from my dorm room. Really - life never ceases to amaze me. All 15 channels of my free cable cover Katrina's devestation in a remarkably diverse number of languages, and needless to say, Katrina sounds naughtier when you say it with a French accent. Therefore, TV Cinq is getting a lot of screen time.
My computer is still up and running, which shocks and amazes me; with a certain ammount of smug pleasure mixed in. I have to say, I really enjoyed watching a movie in bed last night. The good part is, is that it warms up the sheets, so it's almost like having a real live boyfriend in bed with me. Ignore the fact he's only 18 inches (or so) squared, and I've got myself a date.
Off to sociology - take care all.

Friday, September 09, 2005

We Have Life!

You may have to sit down before you read this. I just hooked up my computer, my television, got my internet working.. And am currently working on my printer and VCR. That's right.. me. Ms. Don't Touch That Computer.
Just thought I'd let you know. I'm now... online. Woohoo!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cashmere Sock Openers Anyone?

So with all of my belongings out of storage (ie - Brad's) I now officially have ten times more than what I came here with, and about four hundred times more than what I need. I haven't seen this crap for 9, 10 months, and suddenly, I really think that I need THAT particular t-shirt? (blender, sweater, martini glasses, bar of soap?) I went in with such a great mindset, the good 'ol "Don't look in the box, you haven't used it for months, chuck it"... and caved immediately at the sight of an old pair of Mag boots that I've had since grade 9. I'm a sentimental fool. Those boots always have, and always will, pinch my leg fat.

I actually ended up being far more effective than I thought I would be, and all the stuff we piled around the dumpster was almost immediately taken. There are going to be some well dressed bums out there. I tossed 4 hefty bags of pants, shirts and things I'll probably be looking for in a week. But now my dorm is full to that "do you think these walls are bulging?" point, and I did two super loads of laundry last night in an attempt to be one of those people who neatly fold their extra clothes and put them in well labeled boxes with nice satchels of lavender. Instead I've got a box of thigh high cashmere socks and a bathsuit that I don't think I actually bought mixed with what I believe are kitchen implements. (That's what they sound like when I shake the box, but it could be magic markers or Lego).

My mum is here this weekend (Friday/ Saturday) and then heads to the coast, then home. Hopefully when she sees that not only am I settled, but that I also have washed my sheets already, she might relax a little. We won't tell her about the sock/breadknife/build a space station box. Then it'll just be me and my bro here (that's what they say, these young kids, 'bro'. I'm trying it on for size, and feel like a ganster. Or is that gansta?) to fend off over abundances of beer at the beer tent.

On my way to grab a coffee, then to one more class before the weekend. Take care everyone, enjoy your weekend.

Beer Gardens Are the Devil

So, beer is cheap. And cheap beer was on sale in the beer gardens. (Which is misleading - because there is no beer growing there. Which would make beer cheaper.) And I made a few friends (mostly with the bottom of my cup) and then watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" with April (new friend - not the bottom of a cup) and Dave (again, not the bottom of a cup). Good time, bad movie. Very sleepy, and my pee kinda smells like Sleemans Honey Brown. Going to take a nap! Love you all.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back in Black

Ok - so I'm here. Sort of. I'll spare you the sordid details of our 24 hour flight and the POS (passenger of size) that was vomitting beside us, and our battle to find accomodation etc etc. It was long, it was grueling, and now I'm almost settled into my dorm. (90% settled. I'll spend more time there when the girl next door figures out she has to store raw chicken IN the fridge. Thats right. It smells like dying cat.)
I still suck at making coffee, Bryan, I miss you in the mornings for this. Your coffee is the only one I could choke back a whole cup of.. As of right now my bodem and I are at an impasse, where as it will hold the coffee grounds and the water, but I have to strain it through my teeth as I drink. Right.
My dorm is lovely - bigger than it was supposed to be, very modern with the exposed concrete and such. I feel like an old lady - every looks like they're 17 years old. (Which doesn't say much considering I was mistaken for a 15 year old just last week.) I feel better now that I know that the guy at the end of the hall is 25.. But not so much.
School is.. good. It's going to be a lot of hard work, which I'm kinda excited about. I've had a couple teachers pull the "This isn't high school, C is a good grade" bullshit.. but obviously they've never met me. I'm going for the 4.0 baby. Interesting classes, interesting teachers. Young kids. I think I'll be ok. I'm wearing my "like me" smile, but I caught it in the mirror.. and it's a little too sneery to be effective.
No computer at home yet, so if I'm a little behind in answering e-mails it's because I only have access on campus. Yet another trial we're going through. Ah well. It wouldn't be an adventure if it wasn't bloody hard. Talk to you all soon.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Ms. Poshlust will be on temporarily hiatus, vacation and sabatical until she finds her mind and her new textbooks. Which may, or may not, be located in section F, where she was looking for her 'philosophy' books. Then she switched to S, for spelling. Take care all.