Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back in Black

Ok - so I'm here. Sort of. I'll spare you the sordid details of our 24 hour flight and the POS (passenger of size) that was vomitting beside us, and our battle to find accomodation etc etc. It was long, it was grueling, and now I'm almost settled into my dorm. (90% settled. I'll spend more time there when the girl next door figures out she has to store raw chicken IN the fridge. Thats right. It smells like dying cat.)
I still suck at making coffee, Bryan, I miss you in the mornings for this. Your coffee is the only one I could choke back a whole cup of.. As of right now my bodem and I are at an impasse, where as it will hold the coffee grounds and the water, but I have to strain it through my teeth as I drink. Right.
My dorm is lovely - bigger than it was supposed to be, very modern with the exposed concrete and such. I feel like an old lady - every looks like they're 17 years old. (Which doesn't say much considering I was mistaken for a 15 year old just last week.) I feel better now that I know that the guy at the end of the hall is 25.. But not so much.
School is.. good. It's going to be a lot of hard work, which I'm kinda excited about. I've had a couple teachers pull the "This isn't high school, C is a good grade" bullshit.. but obviously they've never met me. I'm going for the 4.0 baby. Interesting classes, interesting teachers. Young kids. I think I'll be ok. I'm wearing my "like me" smile, but I caught it in the mirror.. and it's a little too sneery to be effective.
No computer at home yet, so if I'm a little behind in answering e-mails it's because I only have access on campus. Yet another trial we're going through. Ah well. It wouldn't be an adventure if it wasn't bloody hard. Talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like it will be Coffee making basic training when you visit. Up at the crack of dawn it will be for you missy. "Suck in that gut when you grind those beans, Maggot! Your momma isn't here to pamper you now! Now grind, one-two, one-two." ;-)