Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Anthro Smash Up

Wearing - Jeans, 50/50 t-shirt from american apparel.. (yeah, its dirty), goodwill jeans, limonade chucks, cardigan, blue scarf

Eating - Nothing. I've got a cold bottle of water.

Listening to- The really annoying girl across from me at the library talk about real estate prices. Watching - My e-mail for when my mom responds to me.

Just finished my anthro exam, which I've apparently studied way too hard for. I finished it in 20 of the allotted 60 minutes, after going over it twice. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was the first exam any of these kids have ever written, and they were going at a snails pace. *laughing* It was funny. Which is mean. But it kinda was. *laughing* I have my socio midterm on thursday, then I'm done for a bit, which makes me happy. I have to dig into the Machiavelli essay this weekend, since it's a long weekend, in the hopes I can get it over and done with in a less than painful manner. Which, of course, is impossible. *sigh* Oh well. Ok, into my socio class and then home for a little nap. Jared and I stayed up last night watching the Daily Show and doing bulletin boards at mach speed, so I'm a little sleepy. What else is new. Hhehehe..

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