Monday, November 13, 2006

Lusticon.. The Poshlust Lexicon?

Some culminated, culled and created words Ian and I have found/heard/made up. Thought I'd post some of our favorites -

Gaiter - The perenially perky and flamboyantly fastidious gay waiter that can make or break a meal.
Anorsexia - Yes they're gross, yes they're skinny.. but don't you just WANT them? Anorsexics! (closely related to "hipsterexia" - but these people are usually found in stripes listening to emo.)
Bending Corners - Getting grief from somebody, as in "Don't bend my corners just because I'm anorsexy, and you're fat."
Muffin tops - Those fantastic little bits that poke over girls jeans. Replaces "love handles".
Free-licious- The lunch you get at the grocery store if you hit it up at sample time. Alternately, food and drink they serve while you're waiting for your table at a restaurant.
Carpartment - What Ian has on wheels - everything in his house, but in his car. Transferable to "totepartment" for women who have everything in their totes.

Please.. add your own favorites!

1 comment:

just.act.natural studio said...

Lovely! Unfortunately you did miss "Prostitots"-those unfortunate children who are as of yet not old enough to dress themselves, and their mothers put them in clothing that would only be appropriate for, well, prostitutes. Prostitots.