Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You Know You're Sorta Like That..


One Of Those Days

You know when everything seems to be weighing down on you.. money, work, school, the fact you actually have 70lbs of laundry and 9$ on your laundry card... It was totally one of those days. I went to class, and it was so intrinsically useless to my life that the time would have been better spent working on the numerous essays due...or bathing, which, much to the chagrin of my boyfriend I am sure, would have been preferable as this is day 4 of the stretch. (I did wash my bangs this morning. You know. A girl can only go so far.)
So yeah, it was one of those days.
And then, I sent out an e-mail inviting everyone for dinner (don't ask me why.) - a big easy pot of curry and rice. Sabine offered to bring wine, Joanna offered ice-cream, Kyle brough Guinness and Taylor's homemade Eatmore bars. I found this nice Swedish girl at Starbucks who apparently lives on the 8th floor and I brought her, Lauren and Amy and Susan came by, and we all had dinner. It was perfect. We drank, we laughed, we ate way way too much...
I feel so much better. Sometimes to recharge it helps to see a whole bunch of people well fed and watered and happier than I feel. My kitchen feels like a happy home, and I'm totally ready to conquer it all. Well.. at least tomorrow, and my AI essay. Which is a step in the right direction.

Another Ridiculous Mad Fold In

Wow. You'd think this one was made today.. not 4 years ago.
(and yeah, this IS what I do in my spare time)

Maybe I Can Afford This One..

This is from the Counterfit Crochet Project (part of the Anti-Factory site) and is aiming to set designers straight on the ridiculous nature of their 7,000$ bags. Which I still love. You know. P.S.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yeah, Sorta How I Feel

Time - 9:47pm
Listening- Cold Hard Bitch - Jet)
Watching- Uh... Like, Fast and the Furious 18 or something on mute.
Wearing- My fav grey t-shirt and dirty ..sick gross muddy sweaty jeans.
Eating- Rice Crispies with sugar and some oranges

Do you ever ever feel so .. apathetic? It seriously has taken me even hours to commit to writing this post. I don't have a craving for anything (other than sushi, which is the norm) I could seriously sleep 24/7, and I just REALLY want the school year to be done.. and even though I still have 2 papers to go.. I don't even really care. *sigh* I mean, I'll do them (don't worry mom) and I'm in no danger of getting anything BUT a's this semester.. And still? I just want to sleep. I'm so swamped. This weekend was the busiest part of my week. Work, sleep, work, training... it never ends. Blech. And I feel fat and bloated. And I give you just so much interesting shit to read here hey. God damn.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

This Helps My Ego

I got my name in lights with


This great site makes graphs out of any site that you plug in.. above is Poshlust..

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On Break

So, between working on Feminist Essays, Functionalist Essays, and trying to work out how AI is philosophically possible (because you know if Turing can't do it, then I'm sure a class full of mediocre twenty year old philosophy students can do it..) I also started work at Safeway and developed an addiction to Mario Cart that relaxes me enough at night to get all of the 4 hours of sleep that I've been running on. Yup.

Um.. Safeway. I'm not sure that I can really do this job. I mean, physically I can lift tonnes of grapes and boxes of cereal and whatnot, but.. um.. 8 hours of stocking various types of chips? By myself? I have enough problems to keep me busy for 8 hours, but if I can't talk to anyone? It's like the Zen of Stocking Shelves. You need to actually pace OUT the things that you want to think about, because if you think about too many things, you run out, then you start singing the Simon and Garfunkle tune thats on the radio and observing what exactly makes Buffalo Wing Chips taste like chicken and spice. It's horrible. Given, it's a good amount of money and I've been using handsoap to shave my legs, so I know I'll stick with it. But I'm going to have to carry a book of riddles or something. Or drink a lot prior.

Jared's big concert is this weekend and I get to meet his parents.. Yikes! I mean, I'm excited, but nervous. I hope they like me.. Eew. I sound like a pansy. But I'm still nervous. And they invited me to Easter dinner in Calgary. *deep breath* Yay! Hopefully they don't revoke when they meet me. *snort*

Alright - back to work on the essay. But before I go.. does anybody find it odd that Heather Mills, the one legged McCartney ex is on Dancing with the Stars? C'mon... that's weird.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

This Is the Only Picture That Was Taken. And My Pee Smells Like Pilsner.

Andrea: That was a pretty awesome night. Does your head still hurt?
Jared: When did I say my head hurt?
Andrea: This morning.
Jared: I only wanted to be like you.
Andrea: This is the only picture that we have from last night. Jared: And it looks like it says "meat" on our t-shirts.
Andrea: But it really says "Team Irish"
Jared: Yeah. I hope everyone knows that this was taken at the end of the night, after many many beers.
Andrea: I'm sure they understand.
Jared: Hey, you completed one of your life goals last night!
Andrea: I've never wanted to drink a whole case of pilsner!
Jared: No! When we were jamming in the garage and I was playing the drums and Richard was on base and Sjord on guitar, YOU SANG!
Andrea: Into a microphone.
Jared: Into a microphone!
Andrea: I think that the Pilsner might have had something to do with that.
Jared: Maybe.
Andrea: It was a really great night.
Jared: My head hurts.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Some Thoughts at 3:11pm

a) My feminist philosophy class is located almost directly above the cafeteria, and everytime I'm there all I can smell is the baking break at the Subway underneath me. And picture a big, tasty phallic symbol sandwhich. Huh. The worst part? I'm more interested in the carbs than anything even vaguely dirty. Not that I'd do anything dirty with a sub.

b) My "good side" - see thin side- (I have good enough friends to point out that I should turn the other way in photos) I believe is primarily due to the fact that I'm missing a bunch of teeth on that side and makes my face sink in a bit.

And I Thought Only People With BAD Things to Say Carried Markers in their Purses

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Totally Irantional

So I went to see the absolutely fantastic "300" with friends this weekend. Visually stunning with "more sixpacks than a beer depot", an amazing story (it's good acting on the Spartans behalf when you really believe they don't mind dieing on the battlefield) and an all round good time - I would definately give it two thumbs up. That something so great can be derived from an equally as fantastic graphic novel / pseudo historical tale - well, I think it was the cats pj's. Or the Spartans loincloth if you will.

However, this morning there was the most hysterical story on CNN. Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, is claiming that "300" is part of the "researched, systematic moral degredation of Iranian culture and society." Apparently it's an attack against their Persian ancestry, and is shoring up support in the U.S. and the rest of the world against Iran as a result. Now, I will admit, a few lines in the movie did draw interesting parallels to defending democracy and valor and what free men do.. but.. ahem.. isn't that just what pseudo historical action flicks do? You know, the good guys defend whats good.. the bad guys make everyone their slaves? (Frig, you might as well just be talking about the Mason-Dixon line here, much less U.S. and Iranian relations..) Nevermind the fact that I doubt John, Dick or Harry is going to draw the relationship between Persia and Iran.

Though you've nicely done it for us. Operation Spartan it is.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Ever think "I could do THAT!"

Now you can. These turn out super-lovely, click once to change the color!

But Honey, I Only Had One!

If you can read by the light of your cup, then maybe they've had more than one! This is a super-sweet invention!

The Shortest Summary of Berkeley Ever

There was a young man who said:
Must find it exceedingly odd
If it seems that this tree
Simply ceases to be
When no-one's about in the Quad'

"Sir, your astonishment's odd:
I am always about in the Quad.
And that's why the tree
Will continue to be,
Since observed by, Yours Faithfully, God".

-Ronald Knox

Friday, March 09, 2007


I'm so psyched that 300 came out today.. And even more so after I read this review. It's possibly the funniest review I've ever read about bloody hunks..

Why Indeed It Does..

Yes, I Would Look In Your Window

I'll admit it, I'm a blatant peeper... watcher, eavesdropper, snoop, roustabout and user. I will read your e-mails if you leave it on your screen, and I will listen to you tell your friend about your horrible boyfriend/waxer/colonic. It's where I get my good info on sales, who not to date, what not to eat.. and more importantly.. where you got those great boots/highlights/nails. Chances are, if I'm being too nice to you in the grocery store, it's because I want to get out of you where you got your perfect jet black french manicure and I'm not interested at all in the ash content of your kitty litter.
But its actually worse than that. I will spend hours perusing The Cobrasnake, Hel-Looks, Facehunter, Corey Kennedy, Nylon, First Look.. just to get a peep at what others are wearing, where, drinking what, eating what, partying when. I spend so much more time concerned with what other people are wearing that I went out in a Punisher t-shirt, tights and boxing boots yesterday wrapped in my old man sweater. Its a serious problem/perversion.
And now I have found the ultimate site. not only lets you see what people are wearing, but where you can buy it, or if it's vintage, or if it's handmade.. ALL OVER THE WORLD. My god. I think I just had a happy fashion stroke and now have a clot in my brain that looks like the double CC's. *sigh* Check it out. Before I check you out. I'm going back to my bottle of wine and streetpeeper to see exactly what Janice wore at the Vena Cava show New York fashion week while I sit here in sweatpants and my bra.
Close your curtains!

Man, I am SO driving everybody home.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hel Yes!

Geek love. Buy your ticket soon.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Let The Crazy Begin

I'm slipping slowly into crazy land! I have 5 research essays due at the end of the month and I'm buried up to my next in texts and photocopies of artciles and my fingers are covered in toner, hence so is my face. I look like I've been beaten upside the head with a bag of very small oranges. Couple that with the ink stains all over my hands and mouth from alternately writing and biting the wrong end of the pen, and I look like an acedemic accident. I fell asleep in a pile of reseach essays last night, clutching "Empiricism All the Way Down - a defense of the value neutrality of science in response to Helen Longino's contextual empiricism" and Jared had to pry it from my hands while I drooled all over my notes. Super.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007

Nipples, the Bodies Special Ed Class.

The seasonably chilly weather as of late that has left me directing the masses to the beach has given me pause to contemplate the ridiculous nature of nipples. What other body part responds equally to cold and arousal? Thats kind of like me finding both Christopher Walken and Denzel Washington attractive. How strikingly inefficient. Which is not what I said when I almost lost one to my hoodie zipper.

Weekend Snippets

My boyfriend brings me flowers. Sorta. He actually just has nose spray that smells like flowers.

So Jared and I spent a really awesome weekend together, have to say it was exactly what I needed to get over the blah's of the previous week. Friday night we went out for sushi and ran into Ian and Greg at Kyoto and had a great time chatting and munching on maki and sipping on Kirin. It was so lovely. Then we went up to Starlite room to watch "Do Make Say Think" and try (unsuccesfully) not to appear to be hipsters. Unfortunately, they didn't have Becks, and I refuse to drink Pilsner.. so I had to have Stella. Like all the other stripe wearing unwashed masses. Yeeps. Luckily we were too poor to actually buy liquor and poored a whole flask of the captain in our coke glasses. Definately poor student style - and it was great. The concert was phenomenal, they're kind of like an instrumental Broken Social Scene.. which can be a good when it comes to their lyrics sometimes. It made my heart swell, and standing there with Jared with the great music and the beer and the lights.. It was fantastic.
Saturday we relaxed and went to the school where Jared practiced and I wrote my essay, then watched "Man of the Year" (not bad - a lot more serious than we thought, a really interesting commentary on the media and democracy). Sunday Ian and I went to Value Village and the Gravity Pope Warehouse Sale (crazyness) then stopped by this new little Viet-Fusion place for some muchies with friends. Watched "The Prestige" last night, and had a great sleep. It was perfect. Just about the best weekend I've had in a while.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hipster Window Shopping


THESE could almost make me want to drink Coke. Almost.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

"Serious Hipster Appeal"

...or so I hear. Vice has launched it's own online tv channel. And hey, it says it's rescuing me from Television's Deathlike Grip. Out of the frying pan I say. Not safe for work folk.. NSFW.

Do Make Say Stance

Spent the day reading, cleaning, then Mike called and we went for coffee and shopping for some grandpa clothes. Well, didn't INTEND to get grandpa clothes, but it seems like that's what Mike tends to lean towards. *smile* It was great, he found tonnes and tonnes, and I found this super cute cheap Proenza Schouler lookalike dress and a green and black scarf. I really want to go to the Do Make Say Think show tomorrow night but I don't think I have the $$, though it would be an amazing show. Sources say they're bringing two drummers - I'd love to go.. waah, what a baby I am. Drank chocolate milk shakes and ate cherry pies and now I have to buckle down and start one of my four (4!) gd research papers. Damn it. It was worth the day of shopping and eating just to see Mike do the b-boy stance with the knit monkeys. Indeed.

B-Boy Stance..

And this will better explain the next post. Watch and weep. With laughter.

It's Never Good To Name Your Business Over Beer

Went out with Ian and Alison to Savoy for some strawberry beer and delish ginger salmon roles and whatnot. Sat and chatted about Ali's upcoming photography clients.. including those who get "engagement"photos done. I think it's great. We've decided that she's going to do other photos to round out her business. "From Reception to Conception". But they'll be classy. Like, black and white porn. Sweet.