Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Culturally Insensitive? Me?

I basically try out my Hindi wherever I am - it's really the only way that I can learn, and most people really appreciate it. Most. The odd time somebody will pretend not to understand you, or laugh at you, or mock you (believe it or not) they even asked my mother once if she was speaking French. But, generally, the reception is warm.
My friends cook, Emit, was falling into the latter catagory. Everytime I would say hello, or how are you, are you busy etc - he would just look at me blankly and walk away. Which, of course, only made me more determined; not only to have him like me, but have him understand my Hindi. So I've been slowly chipping away at him, and every once and a while garner a small smile as a reward.
Until day before yesterday, when my friend caught me nattering at Emit in Hindi - and pointed out that he was Bengali, and pretty much didn't speak a word of Hindi. And if I wanted to talk to him, I'd need the housekeeper to translate.
Ah. I see.


Anonymous said...

Funny!! But true, every bit of it. When I came to Canada the same thing happened to me, talking to everbody with their different reactions, funny that you think every body else is perfect except you and then you realised that the person you were talking to seriously doesn't understand a word of my broken english!! LOL. Good luck with your Hindi and don't be hard on yourself, India is the country of languages and religions. I am happy that in Canada there is only two official languages are spoken. ;o)

Mo said...

Language barrier! I can understand. The problem shows up when you are a member of the minority! Non-English in the US, or non-bengali in bengal!!