Monday, February 28, 2005

5 Funny Things I Love About Delhi

  1. All the men here hold hands. One of my favorite sights, that will be one of my lasting impressions, was two army guards lounging on each other holding hands. It's just the way it is.. it doesn't question your masculinity, your sexuality... It just.. is.
  2. Some of the best Medditeranean food I've ever had in my life - I've had in New Delhi
  3. The cows. I watched two cows fall asleep at either end of a parked taxi, and watched a bunch of men lift it up and move it sideways. I'll never look at another Big Mac the same way.
  4. The kids ask which shampoo I use, because they assume that's why my hair is so blonde.
  5. The amazing people I get to meet. For instance - I had dinner last night with the Pakistani ambassadors wife, who is a mountaineer and forest conservationist, and an Australian submariner. That's pretty cool in my books.

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