Friday, July 08, 2005

Step.. One.. Two..

Today I take my iPod into the shredding room (which always smells suspiciously like rain) because I’m totally hooked on this Feist song "Inside and Out", which is basically kinda hopped up "steppin’" music from the 70's. I’m completely enamoured, loving it, so much I sang into my hairbrush across to the Italian Embassy this morning. Which I’m sure they appreciated.
I’ve never officially learned the electric slide, but like most things, have become particularly adept at just making them up. Which is what I was doing, listening to Feist’s "Inside and Out" on my iPod, strutting in front of the shredder, can of WD-40 (for the occasional shredder lubrication in tune to the drum beat) in hand like a microphone - when my boss walked in. And walked out.
And.... Slide!

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