Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Universal Laws of Passport Photos

1. How you look in everyday life will be the exponential inverse of how you look in your passport photos.
2. Should you ever have a day when you are looking good, this will not be the day that you will have passport photo’s taken. (Which leads directly to law 3)
3. Should you have a day where you look the worst you’ve looked in years, this will be the day you need a new passport photo taken.
4. All passport photos require women to wear their hair down. On the surprise day where you need to have passport photos taken, this will be the day where you have cinched an elastic so tightly around your hair that when removed, makes you appear as though you have a dent in your head.
5. However unlikely you are to smile in everyday pictures is the inverse of how likely you are to smile in your passport photo’s, incrementally more when the photographer is instructing you NOT to smile.

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