Monday, April 11, 2005

Interim Update

So my level of blog absenteeism has been a little high lately. I've been trying to get all my Burma adventures down in a draft, but I think it's going to take me awhile, so I figure I might as well keep blogging in the mean time. Apologizing, of course, assumes that anybody still checks in here, so for those of you who do.. I'm sorry!
It's been busy here in Delhi pretty much as soon as the wheels touched tarmac. I don't know how I manage to be so busy when I really have so little to actually do. I think perhaps I talk myself into being busy.
Saturday attended a staff picnic for Bryan's work, had a lovely time. Made a few new aquaintences while these huge friggin' flying fox fruit bats circled overhead. Honestly, in the past month, I've seen more strange and rare wildlife than I have my whole entire life. It's a rare day where I sit in a palatial backyard smoking a cigar and wondering if they really do JUST eat fruit.
Sunday morning (Camote, you'd have been so proud!) I went horseback riding with the Indian colonel, Bryan, and Greg and Wendy, friends of Bryan. My horses name sounded decidedly close to Flower, so I figured I was safe. Of course, Bryan hops on his horse and succeeds immediately at looking like the Marlboro man, Greg and Wendy look like something out of a British pastoral scene.. And where does that leave me? Looking somewhat like the girl who decided to mount an ornery Mr. Ed. "Flower" was a titch tempermental, and not totally unlike driving a volkswagon minus the power steering and comfortable seats. With the exception that a volkswagon has multiple speeds, and Flower had two: slow, and fast. Kinda like a broken mixmaster. Nevertheless, despite later feeling like I had literally broken my ass, it was a great time. After riding, we went and sat with the Colonel and various other officials in this stunningly beautiful little garden, with a cricket field in the background, and drank lovely tea and had egg sandwiches. It was quite the timewarp, and a most enjoyable one.
Alas, be it the broken ass, egg sandwiches or malaria (we've yet to decide) I'm not feeling so great. I've had a burgeoning cold for the past few days, and now it appears to have switched course and has turned into some sort of achey yucky flu type deal. Luckily, that left me free yesterday to be a complete lay about and watch movies.
If you haven't seen Hotel Rwanda yet, please, please do. It's an absolutely amazing movie. It's based on a true story centering around the genocide that took place in the early 90's. I don't think it's supposed to be one of those movies that you can watch again and again.. but it really is superb. Don Cheadle made me laugh and cry, in a film that really should just have inspired torrents of tears. It's surprisingly unbiased, as much as a film about such a subject can be, and I think my heart actually stopped on one or two occasions. So if you have a chance, please rent it. I'll let you know that the end is uplifting enough to warrant all the tears, which is what I wish somebody had told me!
So, I'm slowly on the mend (I'm sure of it, even though I don't feel like it.. ) trying to find little things to do about the house and otherwise. Hope everyone is well, I miss you all!

1 comment:

Ms. Poshlust said...

Welll.. It's iffy. They are a country still run by the military, however covertly they may do it. Basically they changed their name to say "We're not doing that anymore, poof.. Myanmar" pretty much to please the US. SOOO... Everybody kinda says Myanmar tongue in cheek. Except the Americans, who refuse to call it anything but Burma. Oh.. And the Burmese. Who call it Burma. And yeah right you had a date. ;-)