Monday, June 20, 2005

Just 10 Pages.. Please.. a Literary Dime Bag..

So I’ve been indulging in my most academic of addictions – reading. And I’ve been truly, tortuously enjoying it, like a real junkie would. I’ve finished a literary litany of books over the past week or two, and would recommend a number of them.

“Lady Chatterley’s Lover” – D.H. Lawrence (Not what you’d think – but 10 times better)
“Middlesex” – Jeffrey Eugenides (Has pushed “Love in the Time of Cholera” to a tie for favourite book – probably is one of the best books of the past 10 years.)
“Mother Night” – Kurt Vonnegut (Deliciously dark humour –a wonderful read.)
“A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” – Dave Eggers (Painfully real. Made me love my mother.)
“Down and Out in Paris and London” – George Orwell (The pleasures of being poor in Paris – who says only having chocolate and bread to eat is a bad thing?)

Up next – “Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow” – Peter Hoeg
- “The Old Man and the Sea” – Ernest Hemingway
- “Things Fall Apart” – Chinua Achebe

If anyone has some suggestions.. please let me know. I’ve been going off a mixed list of Pulitzer prize winners and New York Times ten best lists etc etc – But nothing is better than real life references.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd drop a line (or comment, whatever). Another book you should read is "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. Simple, terse and full of life axioms. I'm sure you'd love it, just ask Camote.