Monday, June 27, 2005

To The Last Page..

I finished “Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow”, as well as “Things Fall Apart”. The first was an excellent murder mystery-esque book, filled with amazing science regarding snow and theories on math and physics. A very different kind of novel, well worth the read. The ending left a little to be desired (I hate that feeling when you know there are only a few pages left in your right hand and you know the author can’t possibly wrap it up with so little time left.. ) but perhaps I just prefer my climax in the middle of the book. No denoument here my friends.

“Things Fall Apart” was a inimitably sad book, on so many levels. Personal, familial, global, historical – I wasn’t too sad to reach the end, just sad that it had such an ending. I’m not sure if I would recommend it…maybe you just have to read it yourself and see.

Up next – “One Hundred Years of Solitude” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- “This Side of Paradise” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

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