Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Camping.. Squatting.. Really.. Is there a difference?

Due to immense monsoon flooding in Mumbai, Chandigargh and parts of our beloved Delhi - our entire communications network has been washed out. We have no internet, no long distance, no e-mail.. nothing. It's simultaneously mildly unsettling, and kind of liberating. Not, mind you, for our head political officer, who has a deputy Minister coming to visit from Ottawa, and we haven't had any (any) of our questions answered. (Or, as they like to say, "Any of our Q's A'd".)

This is only the stem of the cherry that's been put on my over-hectic banana split of a schedual. We just moved houses, and are no longer living on the embassy grounds (interesting choice in these days of murder and mayhem in the world) but in the West End of Delhi, about a 15 minute drive from work. At the same time, Bryan has been packed up and leaves for Washington tomorrow night (Thursday). At the same time as this, I've got my first real taste of what real, honest to goodness 3rd World sickness, and have lost 5 pounds in the process. And I've changed jobs (halfway), changed offices... *phew* I'm exhausted, and am ready for a break. I just need to get through this week without pulling my hair out, and I'll be ok. I think.

I can't believe that Bryan is on his way already. It seems like just yesterday that we were in Riskikesh, in Rajasthan, at the Black and White Ball.. and all of a sudden he's on his way. We've decided to keep seeing each other - there's no reason to break up just because of the distance. I'm going down (up?) to Washington on a long weekend in October, and for a break in November. And we'll see when he can come up to Canada. I'm kind of excited. Other than Bryan (and the monuments, and Georgetown and all that cool stuff) the Corcoran Gallery is there (with Frieda Kahlo, Jackson Pollock and Georgia O'Keefe all inside!!) and the Smithsonian as well. So I have a feeling I might like Washington. Especially now that there's no beltway sniper. ;-)

So because Bryan's belongings all go over to Washington in a sea shipment, they got packed up and shiped about a week ago. He was basically left with the Embassy furnishings, and the "welcome" kit, which just kills me. Utility pots and pans and three bowls and a wine opener etc.. It's great. We've basically been camping out in this huge empty house, sans tv, music.. anything. It's awesome. We can run laps in the dining room. It's this interesting mix of feeling like squatters and.. hm.. well.. Maybe just squatters. It's fun though. We get to eat everything on the floor.

My new house is pretty nice - semi-colonial/victorian/indian in white. A nice little part of town. Closer to some things, farther to others - kinda like whenever you move. *laugh* My mum likes it, which essentially, is all that really matters in the long run. It will be nice, I have to admit, to be off the compound and away from the feeling that everyone is watching you - I'm happy for that, in the very least.

This turned out to be much longer than I had intended! I hope all is well with everyone. I won't be in contact much this next little while, as our internet is out. Take care of each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made my last two weeks--what should have been a very stressful, busy moving period--a fun experience. You are wonderful. I would camp with you anytime, even when it is in a fort in the living room. ;-)
