Stella Poshlust's Favorite Things.. For March!
-Baked Brie - Served with some cold cranberry sauce and a glass of wine, this is the ultimate afternoon snack.
-Steinbeck's "Travels With Charley" - I read this out loud to Bryan, and everytime I read it, it seems more and more poignant, bang on - for the time it was written it's interestingly accurate.
-Starbucks Dolce Cinnamon Latte - I think I may have drank one a day for the past week. Its like a slice of cake in a coffee.
-Fellini's "8 1/2" - Strange, touching, beautiful, and Barbara Steele really rings my bell. I watched it so many times that when I finally got up, I was surprised to look in the mirror and see myself.. in colour.
-Dr. Bromners Almond Wash - 18 in 1 uses, ranging from body wash to clothing detergent to shampoo to dish soap. It smells so good, I feel like a little Italian almond candy, all dipped in sugar.
-The color yellow - Canary, Banana, Cream Pie.. give it all to me!
-White collared shirts
-Tulips - Any color, they're just the most beautiful things in the springtime. And any plant that was used like gold to barter and invest in... is ok with me.
-Eggs Benedict - My favorite on Sunday's after church, there is something about eggs benedict and white wine makes me feel like a million bucks