Monday, March 13, 2006

The End of the Affair

Akin to a righteous girlfriend, Dubai Ports World has waltzed out of the apartment with the big screen T.V. AND the love of the mother in law. The United States, on the other hand, is getting drunk with Congress and talking about how "They never really liked her anyways."
Sure they thought it would work, because really, they didn't CARE what all their friends thought, as long as they were happy, it didn't matter. And social mores be damned. So she was in bed with Isreal(is) a year ago, that didn't mean anything! She didn't even think they were a real man (country) anyways!
But it did matter, and their friends objected and she left, with her nose held high. She was just using him anyways.. he had a great apartment, and security was so lax...

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