Thursday, March 09, 2006

In Shape? What Shape?

So I'm stubbornly trying to get myself in shape - any shape, other than the one I'm in. I've actually been to the gym every day this week.. and thanks to my young and moldable (not moldy) body, I'm seeing a difference. Given, it might be hallucinations from the ammount of testosterone in the gym, but even if it is.. that's ok too. It keeps me going there, thinking there might actually be a difference in my somewhat.. um.. "soft" body. The guys there are hilarious, my run goes by quickly whether I'm reading "Heart of Darkness" or watching it. All the grunting and posturing and's hilarious. And for a bunch of guys, they sure do stare at themselves in the mirror- that doesn't give me motivation. Sure it makes me want to run, but basically it makes me want to run as far away from any mirrors as I can, doesn't make me smile and flex my Looney Toon muscles in the mirror. I also like watching all the old and disabled and plump in the water aerobics. This tiny super fit girl stands on the edge of the pool and does all the impossible excerises so quickly while these people just look like peas in a full fat soup bobbing around trying to keep their heads above water. They look like incredibly ruebenesque (Hmm... is that where the fatty rueben sandwhich comes from?) statues in a fountain, spurting water and flailing in impossible yet cherubic positions. Then again, my brother says I look like a demented road runner on the treadmill, so I guess I don't really have to much to poke fun about. Huh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The shape you are in, is a beautiful one.

Your not so secret admirer.