Thursday, May 04, 2006

Adventures in the Great White North - ish.

Alright - so here's the deal. In less than 48 hrs I leave for High Level to go work doing oil well pressure testing until.. August. Alternately living in camps near the North West Territories, helicoptering to different well sites, and living in a trailer house on a golf course. I've got one backpack of clothes, and one of books, neither of which hold too much of either. I've considered jettisoning my bag of Starbucks gold, but I figure I could trade it for a horse or something. I'm not sure I'm ready for an occupation that calls for steel toed high top rubber boots, mosquito netting and bear awareness training, but I think "ready" can be relative. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update Poshlust, but I'll be typing on my computer regularily, so I'll post in big chunks. Poshlust in the oil field. Thanks always to my family, Ian, and of course Bryan, for being so supportive and not laughing at my small muscles.. and always, always, encouraging me on my adventures. Hopefully I'll talk to you all soon - Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck my love. Way to answer the call of the wild--I am so envious. Wish I could be there with you. You are going to live a real life Jack London novel.
