Monday, May 01, 2006

Still Rockin'

The last time I saw The Stills they opened for Broken Social Scene at the Dinwoodie... and we actually walked out of the Broken Social Scene set. It was a long time ago... But this Saturday, after I had moved out of dorms (finally) had no more essays due, no more tests to write (despite my horrific dreams of having to write a 'drama' exam for a class I had never attended) - it was a nice event to look forward to.

I hadn't really heard hide nor hair of their new album, "Without Feathers" - I was still listening to "Logic Will Break Your Heart". And honestly, if I didn't find out that they had a new album, I would have thought they were doing covers of somebody elses music, so different was the sound. Gone is that edgy, somewhat 80's guitar, the screaming and thumping, they're a little more accoustic and.. relaxed. A little more confident (despite their frequent and ridiculous use of the word "motherfucker" in their tween song dialogue). They're still really good, and still rock really hard.. But it just seems like they're not really The Stills anymore. They're still really really good - and when they played classics like "Still in Love" and "Lola Stars and Stripes" it was evident that they still rocked all of them hard. They seemed so much more comfortable and into playing the older, rocky stuff.

Given, the new album is GREAT. "Shoplifter" is a rollicking, clappy, catching single that I think everyone will swallow, and "Helicopter" was played with a lot of enthusiasm, even though there isn't a lot of that guitar they're known for. "It Takes Time" is a little more like "Logic WIll Break Your Heart" - but still lacking.. something. Lyrically, I like the new album a lot - its a little more in depth. If you didn't like LWBYH, then you might very well love "Without Feathers".

As for the show - it was amazing, as always. I wish every CD could come with a little note, instructing the purchaser to see them live if you don't like the CD -- Live makes all the difference. They're fantastic. Ian and I had a blast drinking Red Stripe and kicking back, enjoying singing and clapping and really getting into it.

And I didn't have to write an essay about it. Bonus.

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