Sunday, November 18, 2007


Speaking with Jared last night.. I realize there is a huge discrepancy between how I view my success at my job, my life, my happiness, and how it's viewed by others. I'm not doing so.. great. It seems like there is this huge gap, this grey space that I have to look up into, this bubble that is above where I am, and below where everyone else sees me. That they look at this sheen that sort of looks like I have it under control, that I'm put together. And that below that, there is this grey space that hides the fact that I'm falling apart. I'm tired. I can't stop sleeping, at all the wrong times! It seems like I can't get anything done on time except the bare minimum. *sigh* Ridiculous. I want to be at home, with my mom. I need Christmas break so very badly.

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