Monday, November 26, 2007


down - had to get up, and realized for the first time in a long time I was actually immobilized with depression. Eventually got up after extending consequences of not going to class as far as dying alone because I hadn't been a part of Marx's bloody revolution of which I am studying this afternoon.
up - checked my mail, got 612$ from the government.
down - sat down in class and realized that I had a pair of black lace panties stuck to the mesh on my backpack and had walked all the way to the school with them there.
up- got my Rousseau essay back with an A on it - and the comment "It is always a pleasure reading your essays" on the back.
down - now am in the library where I will probably stay until midnight tonight writing on Heidegger and reading Camus until I want to kill myself even more, then going home to make sure my boyfriend would still miss me.

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