Thursday, June 16, 2005

A Dusty Update

Delinquent as always.. all I can do is apologise. The days have been filed with work and friends and family and sun and laughter.. Filled with too much to sit still and write a blog.

Everything is well here – wonderfully well. Bryan and I have been playing explorers and driving all around Delhi listening to mixed tapes and getting horribly lost and laughing and yelling and doing all those things that seem amplified inside a car. (Or.. as Bryan refers to it.. “The toaster on wheels”. Which isn’t altogether an untrue description of the Qualis.)

We’ve been exploring antique shops and imagining houses and yard to put the treasures in; covered in dust and the incredibly heat. My favourite so far had almost three floors of absolute wonder. Armoires and couches and tables as big as dining room tables, marble arches bigger than my living room. Shelves of antique toys, little wooden elephants on wheels (which, I caved and bought and secretly stashed for an unimagined child of mine that might one day pull it along a sidewalk, unaware of the story of where their mummy picked it up..) little horses and camels… It was wonderful.

Bryan’s attempting to get his couches reupholstered before returning home, so we were also on the hunt (in the land of textiles; it really was a hunt – which surprised me.) for that particular fabric that would be perfect to buy in bolts of 35 metres and match the lovely furniture he bought. It was worse than prom dress shopping – and I have to say that I wasn’t too much of a help! *smile* It ended up that the place we dismissed at 10 in the morning was the place we ended back up at 6 in the evening, after a day of zipping around the city, positively hot and lost and feeling for all the world that there really couldn’t be worse traffic.

In all honesty.. I think things like that only make people closer, better. Especially here in Delhi, when the only person that speaks your language (literally and figuratively) is the one beside you, holding your hand and laughing just as hard as you. The only one who knows your “Oh my lord lets get out of here” look, things like that. I guess that’s probably relative all over the world. But somehow it just seems all the more-important, here in India. So Bryan – thanks for holding my hand and laughing with me, and knowing my “lets get out of here” face.

Other than the day to day adventures – there is also the most mundane of all – Work. *smile* It’s not been bad at all, fairly busy. This week has dragged by without a doubt, each day felt like a week itself. The family is well, my sister leaves for Canada for 6 weeks on Monday, and couldn’t be more thrilled if she tried. She’s spending the time on the prairies with my grandmother, and my mother keeps reiterating that it’s “Better to be bored in Canada than bored in India.” Which holds some small iota of logic.

That’s my small, and painfully useless update. I hope you’re all well – haven’t heard from a couple of you in a while.. *cough cough* So I’d appreciate an update. Hope you’re all well – of course I’m thinking of all of you. Take care of each other, talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Ms. Poshlust said...

No, she won't actually. She's going right to my grandmas. But thanks for the offer.

I'm feeling better, yes. Thanks.