Monday, June 13, 2005

Pale Yellow Papers

I can’t throw them out.

I’m filing all of this information about Nepal – the political upheavals going on, the Maoist insurgency, the clashes between the military and the rebels. And I have stacks, stacks, stacks.. Of these pale yellow papers from Amnesty International.

Each one is a record of somebody that has “been disappeared”. Each one is a brief biography of a person’s life, and the instances surrounding the fact that they have now “disappeared.” The last parts we know, the walking to the market, the coming home from school. The ‘no political ties’ and the ‘never voted’. Then the gone.

Apparently Nepal has the highest rate of “disappearances” in the entire world. An estimated 20000 people.

I’m supposed to throw them out. I can’t do it. They’re sitting on my desk.

I can’t throw them out.

1 comment:

Frank Partisan said...

Thank you for your concern, about this little talked about here in USA crises.