Monday, March 20, 2006

Awesome in the Key of A

Check this out - - You type in one of your favorite songs or artists, and it automatically creates a playlist (a creepily accurate and amazing playlist) of other songs that you'll like. They're automatically saved under the song or artist that you originally typed in, so if you feel like listening to something in the key of "Talk Show Host" or rather "Jack Johnson" - just click away. It's painfully easy, no downloading, no login etc etc. Thanks to my amazing Bryan for this hip tip o' the day.


Anonymous said...

The only problem with Pandora is that unless you are a US citizen, the service is not available after a certain "free trial" period.

I went on Pandora, listened to it for about a half hour or so, then they asked me to sign up for a membership, which is unavailable outside of the US.

Launch on Yahoo does provide the same service though at


Ms. Poshlust said...

I haven't had a problem, I just entered a U.S Zip code (pick one, anyone.. 90210?) and it works just fine.

Anonymous said...

What a bonehead I am!

I never even thought about that!
