Saturday, September 29, 2007

Studying Away Saturday

Listening - Georgie James - "Cake Parade"
Watching - French cartoons on TV Cinque
Wearing - Black yoga pants and black hoodie, ninja boots, no make up
Eating - Lots of water, timmies coffee and the insides of a pizza pop
Thinking - Heidegger is really hard.
I'm hanging out in Jared's room for the day while he's at school, practicing. I'm studying my painfully easy and ridiculous Anthro text, and trying to muddle through some Heideggar. Just relaxing. I miss Jared, and am a little lonely. Even when he's here lately I'm a little lonely.. not sure why. Sometimes I feel like there are a million people around me and I can't connect with anyone.
Went to an art class on Thursday with Ian - a silkscreening class. Had a blast, made two raelly lovely prints that I'm going to post later. Went for a drink at Tzin after, a beautiful glass of red. It helped. Sometimes laughing at ridiculous things and getting your hands dirty in paint just...helps.

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