Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Cherry Pickin' the Cherry Pickin' Photos

1. Me in the back of the Subaru travelling down BC with Matt and Holz - my god it was packed to the brim.
2.Holly and I enticing the ducks at the beach across from the orchard.. Matt and I were crying we were laughing so hard giving all the ducks french voices and pretending they were the foreign legion coming to attack us while we ate salmon and drank wine.
3. A larger view of the lake - this is about the time of night we were there, and the water was still perfect to be in.
4. I caught one of those tricky french ducks, and all he did was look at me. He was soft. I liked him. I let him go because I thought his family would miss him.
5. Me in a cherry tree (as you can see) trying to make my 2.50$
6. Home sweet home.. Yup. Now picture maybe 8 more rows like this, all french people, 4 toilets and 3 showers. My god.

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