Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Computer!

So, aside from the fact that it's felt like I've been living in Future Shop trying to get them to fix my computer.. for the past 2 months - they finally just gave me a new one today. A really nice, new, upgraded, sweet as anything super computer with built in everything that I'll ever need. And it's shiny. Which is pretty much all I really wanted.

1 comment:

JL said...

Congratulations on your new faster-than-a-speeding-bullet (and shiny!) new machine!

Alas, I too know Computer Trauma.

But I got my new Gray and Black Hotrod last winter, and am deliriously happy...

You will undoubtedly suffer panic at any little glitch or seeming problem for a while, due to past suffering, but it will all be okay!